Publications by Data Imaginist
Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow
I got a new package on CRAN! It’s called particles and it sits right in the perfect intersection of fun, cool, and useful. If you don’t believe me, have a look at the Venn diagram below — charts don’t lie! So what is this all about? particles is an R implementation of The d3-force algorithm developed by Mike Bostock and can be used to si...
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lime v0.4: The kitten picture edition
I’m happy to report a new major release of lime has landed on CRAN. lime is an R port of the Python library of the same name by Marco Ribeiro that allows the user to pry open black box machine learning models and explain their outcomes on a per-observation basis. It works by modelling the outcome of the black box in the local neighborhood aroun...
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Scico and the Colour Conundrum
I’m happy to once again announce the release of a package. This time it happens to be a rather unplanned and quick new package, which is fun for a change. The package in question is scico which provides access to the colour palettes developed by Fabio Crameri as well as scale functions for ggplot2 so they can be used there. As there is not a lo...
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What Are We Plotting, What Are We Animating
This is my first blog post about gganimate — a package I’ve been working on since mid-spring this year. I have many thoughts and lots to say about animation and gganimate, so much in fact that it has seemed too big a task to begin writing about. Further, I felt like I had to spend my time developing the thing in the first place. So this is an...
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The tweenr is all grown up
NOTE: tweenr was released some time ago but a theft of my computer while writing the release post meant that I only just finished writing about it now. I’m very happy to once again announce a package update, as a new major version of tweenr is now on CRAN. This release, while significant in itself, is also an important part of getting gganimat...
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transformr: Age of Spatial
Once again, I gives me great pleasure to announce a new package has joined CRAN. transformr is the spatial brother of tweenr and as with the tweenr update a few months ago, this package is very much driven by the infrastructural needs of gganimate. It is probably the last piece needed before I can begin preparing gganimate for CRAN, so if you are...
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Entering and Exiting 2018
The year is nearly over and it is the time for reflection and navel-gazing. I don’t have incredibly profound things to say, but a lot of things happened in 2018 and this is as good a time as any to go through it all… Picking Myself Up The prospects of my “2017 in review” post were not particularly rosy… I had hit somewhat of a burnout ...
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gganimate has transitioned to a state of release
Just to start of the year in a positive way, I’m happy to announce that gganimate is now available on CRAN. This release is the result of a pretty focused development starting in the spring 2018 prior to my useR keynote about it. Some History The gganimate package has been around for quite some time now with David Robinson making the first com...
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The ggforce Awakens (again)
After what seems like a lifetime (at least to me), a new feature release of ggforce is available on CRAN. ggforce is my general purpose extension package for ggplot2, my first early success, what got me on twitter in the first place, and ultimately instrumental in my career move towards full-time software/R development. Despite this pedigree ggfo...
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A Flurry of Facets
When I announced the last release of ggforce I hinted that I would like to transition to a more piecemeal release habit and avoid those monster releases that the last one was. True to my word, I am now thrilled to announce that a new version of ggforce is available on CRAN for your general consumption. It goes without saying that this release con...
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