Publications by DataCamp
DataCamp Recruit: A better way to hire data professionals
DataCamp Recruit is built to help you find, hire and scale industry leading data teams. The platform provides access to one of the largest sources of certified data professionals, with clear insights into the precise skills, experience, and expertise that you need to hire for. Why we launched DataCamp Recruit The demand for data professionals...
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Two new free interactive courses with R on DataCamp
We’re happy to announce that as of today, DataCamp has added two new and free online interactive courses to its curriculum: ‘Data Analysis and Statistical Inference‘ and ‘Introduction to Computational Finance‘. They will be the biggest DataCamp courses to date, so we’re very excited to find out what this will give. We developed thes...
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Quandl is a “wikipedia” for numerical data that allows you to search rapidly through 8 million ready-to-use data sets. At DataCamp we created a free in-browser coding tutorial on how to use the corresponding R package to access Quandl data from within R. As every real world data analyst knows, finding and formatting numerical data for ...
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A new series: R-fiddle of the Week
Now that our ‘Learning R’ -series is coming to an end (for those who missed it, have a look at our Twitter or Facebook ), it is time to announce the start of a new series : R-fiddle of the Week. Every week, we will share an R-fiddle link that contains the code of some popular or well liked R blog posts. Since R-fiddle allows you to run and ...
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April Fools’ Day: The 7 Funniest Data Cartoons
To give this years April Fools’ day a more analytical touch, we decided last week do a little poll on internet cartoons. We asked our friends and colleagues to select their favourite data related cartoon on the web, and organized a voting session to construct a top 5 list. (You can always share your own favourites in the comments.) We proudly p...
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Get notified when R packages update
Today’s highly active R user base is developing, re-developing, and releasing R packages at a never-before-seen rate. While this is fantastic news for the R community as such, it inevitably also causes growing pains as mentioned before. One of the often cited problems is the painful and time-consuming task to keep track of changes and versio...
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Free interactive R exercises on OpenIntro
DataCamp first to offer free interactive R tutorials via the OpenIntro platform. In one week, the ten-week Coursera course on Data Analysis and Statistical Inference by prof. Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel of Duke University comes to an end. At DataCamp it was one of our first experiences providing interactive R exercises on a large scale, and we’r...
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The new look of learning R
Now that we have reached the milestone of 30,000 (!) enthusiastic R students, and the DataCamp platform is paving its way into academics and professional organizations, we felt it was time to take our design to a higher level. So as of this week, your favourite free learning platform for R tutorials and data science will have a totally new...
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Statistical Language Wars: The Infograph
A feature all programming communities have in common is the numerous debates about why their programming language of choice is better, more advanced, faster, holier etc. In today’s data science community, it seems like these discussions are omnipresent with advocates of SAS, SPSS, R, Python, Julia, etc. battling and challenging each other on ev...
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Decimal comma or decimal point? A googleVis visualization
As you all know, the decimal mark is a symbol used to separate the integer part from the fractional part of a number written in decimal form. Since I am born and raised in Continental Europe I am quite found of using the comma sign to indicate a decimal point. I’ve been growing up with it all my life, encountered this comma in both my literary...
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