Publications by Daniel Lakens

The perfect t-test


I’ve created an easy to use R script that will import your data, and performs and writes up a state-of-the-art dependent or independent t-test. The goal of this script is to examine whether more researcher-centered statistical tools (i.e., a one-click analysis script that checks normality assumptions, calculates effect sizes and their confidenc...

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Practicing Meta-Analytic Thinking Through Simulations


People find it difficult to think about random variation. Our mind is more strongly geared towards recognizing patterns than randomness. In this blogpost, you can learn what random variation looks like, how to reduce it by running well-powered studies, and how to meta-analyze multiple small studies. This is a long read, and most educational if yo...

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Practicing Meta-Analytic Thinking Through Simulations


People find it difficult to think about random variation. Our mind is more strongly geared towards recognizing patterns than randomness. In this blogpost, you can learn what random variation looks like, how to reduce it by running well-powered studies, and how to meta-analyze multiple small studies. This is a long read, and most educational if yo...

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The relation between p-values and the probability H0 is true is not weak enough to ban p-values


The journal of Basic and Applied Social Pychology banned the p-value in 2015, after Trafimow (2014) had explained in an editorial a year earlier that inferential statistics were no longer required. In the 2014 editorial, Trafimow notes how: “The null hypothesis significance procedure has been shown to be logically invalid and to provide little ...

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The relation between p-values and the probability H0 is true is not weak enough to ban p-values


The journal of Basic and Applied Social Pychology banned the p-value in 2015, after Trafimow (2014) had explained in an editorial a year earlier that inferential statistics were no longer required. In the 2014 editorial, Trafimow notes how: “The null hypothesis significance procedure has been shown to be logically invalid and to provide little ...

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Plotting Scopus article level citation data in R


The Royal Society has decided to publish journal citations distributions. This makes sense. The journal impact factor is a single number trying to summarize a distribution, but it’s almost always better to plot your data. Somehave been hopeful that visualizing such distributions will make it clear what a troublesome statistic the journal impac...

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Error Control in Exploratory ANOVA’s: The How and the Why


In a 2X2X2 design, there are three main effects, three two-way interactions, and one three-way interaction to test. That’s 7 statistical tests.The probability of making at least one Type 1 error in a single ANOVA is 1-(0.95)^7=30%.There are earlier blog posts on this, but my eyes were not opened until I read this paper by Angelique Cramer and c...

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Power analysis for default Bayesian t-tests


One important benefit of Bayesian statistics is that you can provide relative support for the null hypothesis. When the null hypothesis is true, p-values will forever randomly wander between 0 and 1, but a Bayes factor has consistency (Rouder, Speckman, Sun, Morey, & Iverson, 2009), which means that as the sample size increases, the Bayes Factor ...

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