Publications by Daniel Emaasit

Sentiment Analysis of Uganda Presidential Debate – Using R and Twitter data


Introduction to Digital democracy is here. Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are providing inexpensive ways for individuals to engage on political issues, therefore providing a wealth of data that provides insight on an underlying trend that spans both geography and demography. Outbox Uganda carried out a sentiment analysis of Ugan...

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An R Package for the “controversial” counts of registered voters in Uganda


Some members of the Ugandan media have claimed that counts of registered voters for the 2016 General Election, contain almost 20,000 “ghost voters”.  This is according to their analyses (using excel) of data released by the Uganda Electoral Commission (EC), the body charged with conducting a free and fair election. With voting just 8 days a...

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Incase you missed it: My Webinar on Spatial Data Analysis with R


In case you missed my free webinar on “Getting Started with Spatial Data Analysis with R“,  here is the recording. You can access the material used for this webinar from Domino Data Lab‘s platform using the following links: The Slides [domino-presentation.pdf] The RMarkdown Script [ReadMe.Rmd] The Whole Project [All files including data]...

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The first official Johannesburg R Users’ Meetup!


We’ve been working hard on obtaining sponsors for the community and setting up a support structure for knowledge sharing and connecting our members. Our first Johannesburg R User Meetup (on the 8th March) is being sponsored by Microsoft and will be taking place at their Bryanston Campus. Our confirmed speakers include: Marty Epstein Head of T...

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satRday Event in Cape Town


This blog post was first published on EXEGETIC ANALYTICS‘s blog and kindly re-posted on Data Science Africa. We are planning to host one of the three inaugural satRday conferences in Cape Town during 2017. The R Consortium has committed to funding three of these events: one will be in Hungary, another will be somewhere in the USA and the third...

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A Preview of My Talk for the Data Science Africa Workshop organized by the United Nations


I am excited to be invited by the United Nations Global Pulse lab to speak at the 2nd Data Science Africa Workshop scheduled to take place in Kampala, Uganda from 30th June to 1st July. The theme of this workshop is “Using data science to monitor and achieve the global goals (UNDP goals) in Africa“. I will be speaking particularly on “Data...

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Incase you missed it: My Talk at the United Nations Global Pulse Workshop


In case you missed my talk at the 2016 Data Science Africa Workshop organized by the United Nations Global Pulse Lab, here is the recording. My talk was titled “Sustainable Urban Transport Planning using Big Data from Mobile Phones“. You can download slides for my talk from here. There were also talks from my colleagues at IBM Research �...

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Webinar: Model-Based Machine Learning and Probabilistic Programming using RStan


I am glad to announce that I shall be presenting a live webinar with Domino Data Labs on July 20, 2016 from 11:00 – 11:30 AM PST on Model-Based Machine Learning and Probabilistic Programming using RStan. If you are interested in adopting machine learning but are overwhelmed by the vast amount of learning algorithms, this webinar will show ho...

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A Gallery of ggplot2 Extensions


A couple of months ago, I announced the ggplot2-extensions website which tracks and lists extensions built on top of the popular R visualization package ggplot2. Now, I wanted to make it even easier for R users to filter and search for these extensions and so I have added a Gallery page. You can now search packages based on a filter like: if it�...

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In case you missed it: My Webinar on Model-Based Machine Learning


In case you missed my free webinar on “Model-Based Machine Learning“,  here is the recording. Apologies for the poor quality of the video. Domino Data Lab’s webinar platform suffered a service degradation while recording the event. The webinar slides may be found below. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ...

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