Publications by Christopher Gandrud

Slidify: Things are coming together fast


Tools for using R/RStudio as a one-stop shop for research and presentation have been coming out quickly. I think this one has a good shot of being included in future releases of RStudio: The other day I ran across a new R package called slidify by Ramnath Vaidyanathan. In previous posts I had been messing around with Pandoc and deck.rb to turn kn...

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Data on GitHub: The easy way to make your data available


GitHub is designed for collaborating on coding projects. Nonetheless, it is also a potentially great resource for researchers to make their data publicly available. Specifically you can use it to:store data in the cloud for future use (for free),track changes,make data publicly available for replication,create a website to nicely present key info...

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Update to Data on Github Post: Solution to an RCurl problem


A reader of my most recent post tried the R code I had written to download the data set of electoral disproportionality from the GitHub repository. However, it didn’t work for them. After entering <- getURL(url) they got the error message: Error in function (type, msg, asError = TRUE) : SSL certificate problem, verify ...

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Sourcing Code from GitHub


In previous posts I described how to input data stored on GitHub directly into R. You can do the same thing with source code stored on GitHub. Hadley Wickham has actually made the whole process easier by combining the getURL, textConnection, and source commands into one function: source_url. This is in his devtools package. Imagine we have a .R ...

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ggplot2 Self-deprecation


I’ve been in China working for a few weeks (where this blog is (oddly) blocked). So, I haven’t been able to post much over the summer. To kick things off for the new (academic) year, I thought I might just re-post something good I saw on the Book of Saturday blog. I think it was posted via Kieran Healy‘s blog. Regardless of the origin, it�...

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Graphically Comparing Confidence Intervals From Different Models


Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: Christopher Gandrud (간드루드 크리스토파). offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job. Want to share your ...

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Create Beamer/knitr Lecture Slideshow with Bash, Explain the Script with knitr


Setting up a beamer slideshow is tedious. Creating new slideshows with the same header/footer/style files every week for your course lectures is very very tedious. To solve this problem I created a simple bash shell script. When you run the script in your terminal it asks whether you want to create a “Lecture” or “Seminar” and what numb...

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Federal Register API/R Package Ideas?


The other day Critical Juncture put up an API for the Federal Register. I thought it would be great if there was a package that could use this API to download data directly into R (much like the excellent WDI package). This would make it easier to analyse things like: the frequency of regulations issued on a particular issue over a given period o...

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Graphing Non-Proportional Hazards in R


Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: Christopher Gandrud (간드루드 크리스토파). offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job. Want to share your ...

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Timeline Maps with googleVis & Twitter Bootstrap Carousel (& updated Slidify)


I’ve wanted to create timeline maps with interactive googleVis Geomaps for a while. These would be a nice way to quickly show the spatial distribution of some data over time. It turns out that it’s pretty easy to do with a plugin for Twitter Bootstrap called Carousel. Carousel is probably intended for regular picture slide shows. But becaus...

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