Publications by Christoph Safferling
Add external code to Rmarkdown
Ever been in a position to write a documentation or report about complex R code? Take a Shiny dashboard for example, or other big projects. Maybe you heard it already, with RMarkdown you can simply write markdown code, add some R code to it and render it to pdf, static websites or even presentations. I don’t want to go deep into detail here, ot...
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Rock around the data clock
I had to visualize an hourly distribution of some KPI (assume logins / registrations / purchases per hour), so the idea was, why not build a clock? It’s a nice and intuitive way to present this data. The problem is, that the clock has only 12 hours which are used twice a day, so I will have to assign two data points to every “hour” (am/pm)....
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Peeling of group layers.
As an experienced dplyr user since almost day one, I thought I knew every aspect of it. But when my new colleague, who is learning dplyr from scratch, asked me to explain the peeling of group layers with summarise, I was like, what? Turns out this actually is a thing. Let me show the example from the dplyr introduction: library(dplyr) library(nyc...
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Peeling of group layers.
As an experienced dplyr user since almost day one, I thought I knew every aspect of it. But when my new colleague, who is learning dplyr from scratch, asked me to explain the peeling of group layers with summarise, I was like, what? Turns out this actually is a thing. Let me show the example from the dplyr introduction: library(dplyr) library(nyc...
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Why I Don’t Like Jupyter (FKA IPython Notebook)
Don’t get me wrong, it’s certainly a great tool for presenting your code or even reporting, but everytime I use it for explorative, interactive data science, I keep switching to other tools quite quickly and wonder why I am still even trying to use it. I just mostly end up with messy, broken, “ungitable” and unreadable analyses and I refu...
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Why I Don’t Like Jupyter (FKA IPython Notebook)
Don’t get me wrong, it’s certainly a great tool for presenting your code or even reporting, but everytime I use it for explorative, interactive data science, I keep switching to other tools quite quickly and wonder why I am still even trying to use it. I just mostly end up with messy, broken, “ungitable” and unreadable analyses and I refu...
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xkcd survey and the power to shape the internet
The xkcd survey If you’ve never heard of xkcd, it’s “[a] webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language” created by Randall Munroe. Also, if you’ve never heard of xkcd, be prepared for losing at least a day’s worth of productivity reading the comics and the excellent what if column where Randall answers hypothetical questions with p...
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xkcd survey and the power to shape the internet
The xkcd survey If you’ve never heard of xkcd, it’s “[a] webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language” created by Randall Munroe. Also, if you’ve never heard of xkcd, be prepared for losing at least a day’s worth of productivity reading the comics and the excellent what if column where Randall answers hypothetical questions with p...
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Rebuilding Map Example With Apply Functions
Yesterday Hadley’s functional programming package purrr was published to CRAN. It is designed to bring convenient functional programming paradigma and add another data manipulation framework to R. “Where dplyr focusses on data frames, purrr focusses on vectors” – Hadley Wickham in a blogpost The core of the package consists of map funct...
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Rebuilding Map Example With Apply Functions
Yesterday Hadley’s functional programming package purrr was published to CRAN. It is designed to bring convenient functional programming paradigma and add another data manipulation framework for R. “Where dplyr focusses on data frames, purrr focusses on vectors” – Hadley Wickham in a blogpost The core of the package consists of map func...
2008 sym R (1054 sym/4 pcs)