Publications by Celine Barlier
Coursera Reproducible Research Project
Severe weather events - health and economic impact Synopsis Severe weather events can cause public health and economic problems for communities and municipalities. Many severe events can result in fatalities, injuries, and property damage, and preventing such outcomes to the extent possible is a key concern. In this project we will use the U.S. ...
2094 sym R (5260 sym/9 pcs) 2 img
Coursera Data Science Specialization capstone project - Week 2
Introduction The aim of the Coursera Data Science Specialization capstone project is to develop a predictive model of text using a very large and unstructured database of the English language. This report is the first assignment of the project: it shows the exploratory analyses performed on the data. Code used is available in Appendix at the end ...
2613 sym R (7764 sym/29 pcs) 12 img
Developing Data Products - Week 3 Assignment
Developing Data Products - Week 3 Assignment Celine Barlier 8/20/2021 Instructions & Review criteria “Create a web page presentation using R Markdown that features a plot created with Plotly. Host your webpage on either GitHub Pages, RPubs, or NeoCities. Your webpage must contain the date that you created the document, and it must contain a...
1021 sym R (1202 sym/12 pcs)
Coursera - Developing Data Product
Instructions "Create a web page using R Markdown that features a map created with Leaflet. Host your webpage on either GitHub Pages, RPubs, or NeoCities. Your webpage must contain the date that you created the document, and it must contain a map created with Leaflet. We would love to see you show off your creativity!" - Coursera Review criteria ...
724 sym R (860 sym/4 pcs)
Coursera Project: Shiny Application and Reproducible Pitch
Course Project: Shiny Application and Reproducible Pitch Celine Barlier 8/28/2021 Introduction This is the assignment for the course project (week 4) of the course Developing Data Product of Coursera. It consisted in the development of a Shiny application and this reproducible pitch. I developed a Shiny Application using a large scale weather...
1068 sym R (3558 sym/4 pcs)
Data Science Capstone Project - Slide deck
Next Word Prediction (NWP)Céline BarlierJanuary 30th, 2022 Introduction Problem: Around the world, people are spending a considerable amount of time to write messages or posts on their phone/computer. However, this process can be laborious and several companies such as SwiftKey (corporate partner of this Captsone) implemented smart keyboards b...
3006 sym 1 img