Publications by Cindy Vass
Assignment 1
This assignment is not really a coding assignment. The purpose is mostly to get you used to creating reports in R as you’ll need to do this for future assignments. We will cover reporting in more depth later in the course. Instructions In the YAML header, change the author name to your name. (10 points) In the code chunk below, on line 29, ad...
830 sym R (369 sym/2 pcs)
Assignment 5
Instructions Find an open dataset that is from a country, city, or region outside of the United States. Browse some of the sites in the chapter notes, or find something on your own. Pick any data you find interesting and create a summary report of what you find interesting in the data. For this assignment, I chose the beautiful country of New Zea...
2935 sym R (2914 sym/7 pcs) 2 img
Assignment 4
Instructions We are going to be using the drinks dataset from the fivethirtyeight package (you will need to install) reported in Mona Chalabi’s article “Dear Mona Followup: Where Do People Drink The Most Beer, Wine, and Spirits?” Re...
742 sym R (1245 sym/6 pcs) 1 img
Assignment 3
Instructions Cornelia Thurza “Fly Rod” Crosby is a junior at Forest Hills Consolidated High School in Jackman, Maine. She is starting to think about college applications and, since it has been a particularly cold winter in Jackman, she has decided she wants to experience college in the Southeastern United States. Cornelia is a particularly go...
2600 sym R (3296 sym/14 pcs)
Assignment 2
Instructions Refer to the detailed instructions for this assignment in Brightspace. Data Import Don’t alter the three code chunks in this section. First we read in the two data sets and deleting missing values. library(tidyverse) fluoride <- read_csv("") fluoride <- fluoride %>% drop_na() ...
2222 sym R (3175 sym/11 pcs) 1 img
Assignment 6
Instructions This assignment is exceptionally unstructured and feel free to get creative. The instructions are simple – do something cool with Twitter data or web scraped data (making sure you practice ethical web scraping). There should be some visual elements to your report. Figuring out what data to use and then finding the web site with tha...
1466 sym R (4769 sym/18 pcs) 2 img 1 tbl