Publications by Bruno Silva

Multiplot with ggplot


ggplot is a wonderful package to make beautiful plots in R. For those who still just use standard R plots I really suggest you give a look at ggplot. The ggplot syntax may look a bit strange in the beginning but there are really good tutorials out there to help you start. In this post I’ll explain how to plot multiple ggplots on one page, simil...

2348 sym R (2633 sym/3 pcs)

lconnect connectivity metrics


In our package lconnect we use the Integral Index of connectivity to obtain patch importance, but several other metrics are currently available. A description of each of this metrics can be found below. For more information about each metric please see the references provided. At the end of the post an example using the function currently impleme...

6258 sym R (663 sym/3 pcs)

Writing clean and readable R code the easy way


Writing R code, specially for non-programmers like myself, can be a daunting task. You start really motivated, trying to follow some naming convention, formatting your code lines in the most readable way, keeping your lines in a manageable size but when the code lines start to increase and coding problems arise, when you start to get those annoyi...

3222 sym

Random sampling of files


A great part of my job as a bat ecologist is to classify bat species from their echolocation calls. I regularly use automatic recording devices that generate thousands of recordings per location. Dealing with this huge amount of information is not an easy task as you can imagine. In the old days each recording was manually analysed and the bat sp...

2574 sym R (2194 sym/2 pcs)

R as GIS for ecologists


Working with spatial data is a key feature in ecological research. Using R to handle this type of data has the great advantage of keeping both variable extraction and modelling in the same environment, instead of recurring to external GIS softwares to compute some variables and then turning to R for modelling. In this example I’ll use as my bas...

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A shinny app to compute and visualize roadkill hotspots over linear features


In this post I’m going to explain how to use the package roadHotspots. This is just a development version located in github and I must say that I have no further intentions of continuing to work on this. If someone find this useful and would like to continue where I’ve left, please contact me. I’ve created this project just to demonstrate t...

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