Publications by Biswarup Ghosh
A Primer in Functional Programming in R Exercises (Part – 1)
In the exercises below we cover the basics of functional programming in R( part 1 of a two series exercises on functional programming) . We consider recursion with R , apply family of functions , higher order functions such as Map ,Reduce,Filter in R . Answers to the exercises are available here. If you obtained a different (correct) answer than ...
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A Primer in functional Programming in R (part -2)
In the last exercise, We have seen how powerful functional programming principles can be and how it can drammatically increase the readablity of the code and how easily you can work with them .In this set of exercises we will look at functional programming principles with purrr.Purrr comes with a number of interesting features and is really usef...
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Data Manipulation with Data Table -Part 1
In the exercises below we cover the some useful features of data.table ,data.table is a library in R for fast manipulation of large data frame .Please see the data.table vignette before trying the solution .This first set is intended for the begineers of data.table package and does not cover set keywords, joins of data.table which will be covered...
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Data Manipulation with data.table (part -2)
In the last set of exercise of data.table ,we saw some interesting features of data.table .In this set we will cover some of the advanced features like set operation ,join in data.table.You should ideally complete the first part before attempting this one . Answers to the exercises are available here. If you obtained a different (correct) answer ...
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Hacking strings with stringr
This is first of the set of exercise on string manipulation with stringr Answers to the exercises are available here. If you obtained a different (correct) answer than those listed on the solutions page, please feel free to post your answer as a comment on that page. Exercise 1 use a stringr function to merge this 3 strings . x <- "I AM SAM. I AM...
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Hacking Strings with stringi
In the last set of exercises, we worked on the basic concepts of string manipulation with stringr. In this one we will go further into hacking strings universe and learn how to use stringi package.Note that stringi acts as a backend of stringr but have many more useful string manipulation functions compared to stringr and one should really know s...
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More string Hacking with Regex and Rebus
For a begineer in R or any language,regular expression might seem like a daunting task . Rebus package in R gives a lowers the barrier for common regular expression tasks and is useful for a begineer or even for advanced users for most of the common regex skills in a more intuitive yet verbose way .Check out the package and try this exercises to ...
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Big Data analytics with RevoScaleR Exercises
In this set of exercise , you will explore how to handle bigdata with RevoscaleR package from Microsoft R (previously Revolution Analytics).It comes with Microsoft R client . You can get it from here . get the Credit card fraud data set from revolutionanalytics and lets get started Answers to the exercises are available here.Please check the d...
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Big Data analytics with RevoScaleR Exercises-2
In the last set of exercises , you have seen the basic functionalities of RevoScaleR .In this exercise set we will explore RevoScaleR further. get the Credit card fraud data set from revolutionanalytics and lets get started Answers to the exercises are available here.Please check the documentation before starting these exercise set If you ob...
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Big Data Analytics with H20 in R Exercises -Part 1
We have dabbled with RevoScaleR before , In this exercise we will work with H2O , another high performance R library which can handle big data very effectively .It will be a series of exercises with increasing degree of difficulty . So Please do this in sequence . H2O requires you to have Java installed in your system .So please install Java be...
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