Publications by Bart Rogiers

Put Google Scholar citations on your personal website with R, scholar, ggplot2 and cron


I have been looking for a solution to put my Google Scholar citations on my personal website for quite some time now. Some apps/gadgets seem to have existed to do so (e.g. citations-gadget), but none seem to be functioning today because of changes at Google Scholar, and embedding your entire profile page won’t work either. Basically, I had gi...

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Variography with gstat and ggplot2


Last year I wrote a short demo on variography with gstat and ggplot2 for a colleague who was planning to migrate to R. Just thought I’d share this here (with some additional stuff) as it might be useful for other people as well.First, make sure you have the necessary packages installed and loaded:require('gstat') ## Loading required pac...

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Variography with gstat and ggplot2


Last year I wrote a short demo on variography with gstat and ggplot2 for a colleague who was planning to migrate to R. Just thought I’d share this here (with some additional stuff) as it might be useful for other people as well.First, make sure you have the necessary packages installed and loaded:require('gstat') ## Loading required pac...

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A workflow for publishing RStudio notebooks on Blogger


The past few years, I have been searching regularly for ways of formatting R code on +Blogger. Although different possibilities were available, almost always I ended up using the online Pretty R syntax highlighter by copying parts of a script and pasting these in blog posts after highlighting.Thanks to the excellent work of all people at +RStu...

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A workflow for publishing RStudio notebooks on Blogger


The past few years, I have been searching regularly for ways of formatting R code on +Blogger. Although different possibilities were available, almost always I ended up using the online Pretty R syntax highlighter by copying parts of a script and pasting these in blog posts after highlighting.Thanks to the excellent work of all people at +RStu...

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