Publications by Ayodeji
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598 sym 1 img
DEO HW2 Ayodeji
QUESTION 1 (2.24) Machine1<-c(16.03,16.04,16.05,16.05,16.02,16.01,15.96,15.98,16.02,15.99) Machine2<-c(16.02,15.97,15.96,16.01,15.99,16.03,16.04,16.02,16.01,16.00) machine12<-cbind(Machine1,Machine2) machiceAB<- Question 1a) Stating the Hypothesis The Null hypothesis is that Machine 1 and Machine 2 is 16 that is Ho:...
2466 sym R (2447 sym/14 pcs) 2 img
QUESTION 1 (2.24) M1<-c(16.03,16.04,16.05,16.05,16.02,16.01,15.96,15.98,16.02,15.99) M2<-c(16.02,15.97,15.96,16.01,15.99,16.03,16.04,16.02,16.01,16.00) machine22<-cbind(M1,M2) mAB<- Question 1a) Stating the Hypothesis The is Ho:u1=u2 or u1=u2 Alternative Hypothesis that is Ha: u1\("\neq"\) u2 meaning u1\("\neq"\) u2 ...
1199 sym R (2373 sym/14 pcs) 2 img
QUESTION 1 1. One method for assessing the bioavailability of a drug is to note its concentration in blood and/or urine samples at certain periods of time after the drug is given. Suppose we want to compare the concentrations of two types of aspirin (types A and B) in urine specimens taken from the same person 1 hour after he/ she has t...
2601 sym R (1142 sym/8 pcs)
Question 1a Let u1=Aspirin A let u2= Aspirin B Null hypothesis Ho:u1=u2 that is u1=u2 (mean of aspirin A equals to mean of aspirin B) Alternative hypothesis Ho:u1 != u2 that is u1<u2 or u2>u1 (mean of aspirin A is not equals to mean of aspirin B) Question 1b AspirinA<-c(15,26,13,28,17,20,7,36,12,18) AspirinB<-c(13,20,10,21,17,22,5,30,7,11) co...
1539 sym 3 img
Question 2.32 a let u1=means of population of measurement from caliper 1 u2= means of population of measurement from caliper 2 Null Hypothesis- Ho:u1=u2 that is u1-u2=0 Alternative hypothesis - Ha: u1\("\neq"\) u2 meaning u1\("\neq"\) u2 Caliper1<-c(0.265,0.265,0.266,0.267,0.267,0.265,0.267,0.267,0.265,0.268,0.268,0.265) Caliper2<-c(0.264,0.265,...
4496 sym R (3364 sym/31 pcs) 8 img
Question 3.7 c let u1= mean of tensile strength using mixing technique 1 u2= mean of tensile strength using mixing technique 2 u3= mean of tensile strength using mixing technique 3 u4= mean of tensile strength using mixing technique 4 Null hypothesis is that u1=u2=u3=u4 Alternative hypothesis (Ha) is that at least of the u’s differs. MTechnique...
2861 sym R (4017 sym/20 pcs) 9 img
Question 3.23 Getting the data we have fluidtype<- c(rep(1,6),rep(2,6),rep(3,6),rep(4,6)) life <- c(17.6,18.9,16.3,17.4,20.1,21.6,16.9,15.3,18.6,17.1,19.5,20.3,21.4,23.6,19.4,18.5,20.5,22.3,19.3,21.1,16.9,17.5,18.3,19.8) dat5<-cbind(fluidtype,life) dat5<- dat5$fluidtype<-as.factor(dat5$fluidtype) dat5$life <- as.numeric(...
5785 sym R (3698 sym/29 pcs) 23 img
Question 1 Null Hypothesis: Ho:μ1=μ2=μ3=μ3=μ4 Alternative Hypothesis: Ha : atleast one μ’s differs The null hypothesis for fixed effect can be written as Ho:τi=0 for all i alternative hypothesis: Ha : τi≠0 for some i Linear Effects model for RCBD can be represented as : yij=μ+τi+βj+ϵij μ is the grand mean value τi is the fixed e...
2063 sym R (994 sym/6 pcs)
Ayodeji A
Question 4.3 Getting in data, we have chemical1 <- c(73, 68, 74, 71, 67) chemical2 <- c(73, 67, 75, 72, 70) chemical3 <- c(75, 68, 78, 73, 68) chemical4 <- c(73, 71, 75, 75, 69) dat<- data.frame(chemical1,chemical2,chemical3,chemical4) dat <- stack(dat) colnames(dat) <- c('Number','Type') library(GAD) dat$Type <- as.fixed(dat$Type) ...
1796 sym R (2288 sym/10 pcs)