Publications by Anu Rajaram
Cheatsheet – Selecting Graphs for Statistical Analysis
One of the first steps with any statistical analysis, whether for hypothesis testing or predictive analytics or even a Kaggle competition, is checking the relationship between different variables. Checking if a pattern exists. Graphs are a fantastic and visual way of identifying such relationships. MATPLOTLIB Graph However, numerous readers kept ...
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July Projects – Data Visualization with R
Projects for month of July are now uploaded on Projects page. This month’s motif is advanced graphics and visualizations in R. Basic graphs are already added here. bcharts.R : Program to create horizontal bar charts and side-stacked bar charts using ggplot package. surfaceplots.R : Program to create 3D visuals of geometric and complex mathema...
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Graphical Data Exploration
The first step in any datascience project is understanding the data at hand and identifying patterns and relationships. In today’s post we will do just that, using the “visa-salary-set”, which is a dataset containing information from US visa applications for “high-skilled” including annual wages, job title, employer name, work state,...
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Zillow Rent Analysis
Hello Readers, This is a notification post – Did you realize our website has moved? The blog is live at New JA Blog under the domain . You can read about the rent analysis post here. If you received this post AND an email from anu_analytics, then please disregard this post. If you received this post update fro...
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Who wants to work at Google?
In this tutorial, we will explore the open roles at Google, and try to see what common attributes Google is looking for, in future employees. This dataset is a compilation of job descriptions of 1200+ open roles at Google offices across the world. This dataset is available for download from the Kaggle website, and contains text information about ...
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How to raise money on Kickstarter – tutorial with EDA and predictions
In this tutorial, we will explore the characterisitcs of projects on Kickstarter and try to understand what separates the winners from the projects that failed to reach their funding goals. ( This post is mirrored from our main blog site . The code can be downloaded or run “LIVE” from Kaggle using this link.) Q...
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