Publications by Andrie de Vries

News from UseR!2015 – the RHadoop tutorial


by Andrie de Vries Today is the first day of UseR!2015 conference in Aalborg in Northern Denmark.  But yesterday was a day packed with 16 tutorials on a range of interesting topics.  I submitted a proposal many months ago to run a session on using R in Hadoop and was very happy to selected to run a session in the morning. When we first started...

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The network structure of CRAN


by Andrie de Vries My experience of UseR!2015 drew to an end shortly after I gave a Kaleidoscope presentation discussing “The Network Structure of CRAN“. My talk drew heavily on two previous blog posts, Finding the essential R packages using the pagerank algorithm and Finding clusters of CRAN packages using igraph.  However, in this talk I...

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The most popular programming languages on StackOverflow


by Andrie de Vries Last week, IEEE Spectrum said R rised to #6 in Top Programming languages. They use a weighted methodology of 12 factors to compute their score. Among these factors is the activity on social programming websites, including StackOverflow and Github. I recently used to query the total number of questions on ...

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Contracting and simplifying a network graph


by Andrie de Vries In a previous post, I used page rank and community structure to create a plot of CRAN.  This plot used vibrant colours to allow us to see some of the underlying structure of CRAN. However, much of this structure was still obfuscated by the amount of detail. Concretely, a large number of dots (packages) made it difficult to eas...

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Differences in the network structure of CRAN and BioConductor


by Andrie de Vries This week at JSM2015, the annual conference of the American Statistical Association, Joseph Rickert and I gave a presentation on the topic of “The network structure of CRAN and BioConductor” (link to abstract). Our work tested the hypothesis if one can detect statistical differences in the network graph formed by the de...

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New R titles available in Chinese


by Andrie de Vries A few days ago I received an unexpected parcel in my letterbox. To my delight, it turned out to be a translation into Simplified Chinese of R for Dummies, co-authored by myself and Joris Meys. Let me clarify: Joris and I wrote the book, but were not involved in the translation at all. The Wiley publishing machine took care o...

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Using the googlesheets package to work with Google Sheets


by Andrie de Vries Just more than a year ago I cobbled together some code to work with the (then) new version of Google Sheets. You can still find my musings and code at the blog post Reading data from the new version of Google Spreadsheets. Since then, Jennifer Bryan (@JennyBryan) published a wonderful package that does far more than I ever tri...

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New features in checkpoint v0.3.15 now on CRAN


by Andrie de Vries I am pleased to announce that we have released a new version of the checkpoint package to CRAN.  The goal of checkpoint is to solve the problem of package reproducibility in R. Easy reproducible workflow using checkpoint() We first announced checkpoint and the Reproducible R Toolkit during October, 2014. In February, 2015, w...

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Interpolation and smoothing functions in base R


by Andrie de Vries Every once in a while I try to remember how to do interpolation using R. This is not something I do frequently in my workflow, so I do the usual sequence of finding the appropriate help page: ?interpolate Help pages:           stats::approx Interpolation Functions   stats::NLSstClosestX Inverse Interpolation        �...

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Using miniCRAN on site in Iran


by Jens Carl Streibig, Professor Emeritus at University of Copenhagen Editor's introduction: for background on the miniCRAN package, see our previous blog posts: Introducing miniCRAN Using R in Myanmar MiniCRAN saves my neck when out in regions where seamless running internet is and exception rather than the rule. R is definitely the programme ...

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