Publications by Andrew Collier
Casting a Wide (and Sparse) Matrix in R
I routinely use melt() and cast() from the reshape2 package as part of my data munging workflow. Recently I’ve noticed that the data frames I’ve been casting are often extremely sparse. Stashing these in a dense data structure just feels wasteful. And the dismal drone of page thrashing is unpleasant. So I had a look around for an alternative....
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Kaggle: Santa’s Stolen Sleigh
This morning I read Wendy Kan’s interesting post on Creating Santa’s Stolen Sleigh. I hadn’t really thought too much about the process of constructing an optimisation competition, but Wendy gave some interesting insights on the considerations involved in designing a competition which was both fun and challenging but still computationally fe...
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flipsideR: Support for ASX Option Chain Data
I previously wrote about some ad hoc R code for downloading Option Chain data from Google Finance. I finally wrapped it up into a package called flipsideR, which is now available via GitHub. Since I last wrote on this topic I’ve also added support for downloading option data from the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). Installation Installati...
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Durban R Users Group Meetup: 24 February 2016 @ The Green Door
We’re kicking off the inaugural meeting of the Durban R Users Group with a live video presentation by Andrie de Vries (Senior Programme Manager, R Community Projects at Microsoft / Revolution Analytics). Andrie will be talking about “Demonstration of using R in the cloud together with Azure Machine Learning”. If you’ve kept up with Micros...
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R, HDF5 Data and Lightning
I used to spend an inordinate amount of time digging through lightning data. These data came from a number of sources, the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN) and LIS/OTD being the most common. I recently needed to work with some Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) data. HDF is something of a niche format and, since that was the format used ...
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International Open Data Day
As part of International Open Data Day we spent the morning with a bunch of like minded people poring over some open Census South Africa data. Excellent initiative, @opendatadurban, I’m very excited to see where this is all going and look forward to contributing to the journey! The data above show the distribution of ages in a segment of the S...
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R Saturday [satRday] in Cape Town
I put in a proposal to host a R Saturday [satRday] in Cape Town next year. The R Consortium has committed to funding three of these events: one will be in Hungary, another will be somewhere in the USA and the third will be elsewhere in the world. The voting has opened for the location of these events. Cast your vote here. Please consider voting f...
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Major League Baseball Birth Months
The cutoff date for almost all nonschool baseball leagues in the United States is July 31, with the result that more major league players are born in August than in any other month.Malcolm Gladwell, Outliers A quick analysis to confirm Gladwell’s assertion above. Used data scraped from Here’s the evidence: Distrib...
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Most Probable Birth Month
In a previous post I showed that the data from support Malcolm Gladwell’s contention that more professional baseball players are born in August than any other month. Although this might be explained by the 31 July cutoff for admission to baseball leagues, it was suggested that it could also be linked to a larger propo...
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Birth Month by Gender
Based on some feedback to a previous post I normalised the birth counts by the (average) number of days in each month. As pointed out by a reader, the results indicate a gradual increase in the number of conceptions during (northern hemisphere) Autumn and Winter, roughly up to the end of December. Normalising the data to give births per day also ...
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