Publications by Antonio Gálvez

Data Science Capstone - Antonio Gálvez


FinalProject - Data science Capstone Antonio Gálvez17/02/2020 Introduction The Data Science Capstone project by Johns Hopkins University has as main goal the building and evaluation of my predictive model, which consists in building a predictive text app using data mining to predict the next word while users type a sentence. I have used the n-...

1691 sym

Milestone Report for Week 2_Antonio Gálvez


Brief description This is an R Markdown presentation where is shown information about three different documents. Thus, there are a comparison between some specifications of the documents, such as, the sizes, the number of lines i each one, the lenght of the longest line and the number of words. The documents studied contain a set of piece of text...

2131 sym 7 img

Deliverable for Shiny Application and Reproducible Pitch


18/12/2019 Brief description In this deliverable is presented a prediction model ables to estimate how many meters need a car to stop, just giving the speed. Note that the data were recorded in the 1920s and the source is: Ezekiel, M. (1930) Methods of Correlation Analysis. Wiley. The location where the data was taken is shown in the following s...

974 sym

Project 1 - Prediction Assignment Writeup


Getting and cleaning data The information regarding to models developed in this document are available in the follow website: On the another hand, both sets of data used as a training data and test data are available from the links below: - Training data

1423 sym R (4591 sym/15 pcs) 2 img

Markdown and leaflet


11/12/2019 Brief description Going to the location plotted in the next slide, you must find my ex-girlfriend’s garage. Her car is red It is just a joke jaja I wanted to show you all this awesome village located in the south of Spain Location Benamocarra, Málaga, Spain ...

285 sym

Deliverable for R Markdown Presentation & Ploty


Deliverable for R Markdown Presentation & Ploty Antonio Gálvez 11/12/2019 Slide with Plot ## Loading required package: ggplot2 ## ## Attaching package: 'plotly' ## The following object is masked from 'package:ggplot2': ## ## last_plot ## The following object is masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter ## The following object...

104 sym R (304 sym/5 pcs)

Data Science Capstone - Antonio Gálvez


FinalProject - Data science Capstone Antonio Gálvez17/02/2020 Introduction The Data Science Capstone project by Johns Hopkins University has as main goal the building and evaluation of my predictive model, which consists in building a predictive text app using data mining to predict the next word while users type a sentence. I have used the n-...

1536 sym

FinalSubmission - Data Science Capstone


FinalProject - Data science Capstone Antonio Gálvez17/02/2020 Introduction The Data Science Capstone project by Johns Hopkins University has as main goal the building and evaluation of my predictive model, which consists in building a predictive text app using data mining to predict the next word while users type a sentence. I have used the n-...

1692 sym