Publications by Alvaro "Blag" Tejada Galindo

What is Nylas, why did I join and why should you care?


I joined Nylas around four months ago as their first Senior Developer Advocate. It might seem like a short amount of time, but in the startup world, time moves differently.What is Nylas?In a nutshell, Nylas is a set of APIs that allows you to easily connect with any email, calendar and contacts provider without having to go through a lengthy and ...

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Dealing with R and HANA


First things first…what’s “R”? Simply put…is a programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics. More infomation can be found here R on WikipediaI have code in many programming languages, some of them very commercial, and some of them little known, but I got say, that from all, “R” is one of the m...

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Decimal to Binary in "R"


Lately…I’ve been learning “R”…that weird programming language aimed for Statistics and Statistical programming…and I really like it…so as usual, I needed to create my own Decimal to Binary application -;)binary<-function(p_number) { bsum<-0 bexp<-1 while (p_number > 0) { digit<-p_number %% 2 p_number<-floor(p_number ...

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Prediction model with HANA and R


These days, I have been reading and playing a lot with R, and I really come to love it…of course, I don’t have a clue on those weird statistics formulas, but it doesn’t mean I can’t use R and try do some awesome stuff with it.So, yesterday I was thinking about doing another integration between HANA and R, my new adopted kids, so I came wi...

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HANA meets R


In my previous HANA and R blogs, I have been forced to create .csv files from HANA and read them on R…an easy but also boring procedure…specially if your R report is supposed to be run on a regular basis…having to create an .csv file every time you need to run your report it’s not a nice thing…After spending some time reading and resear...

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R meets HANA


If you read my last blog called HANA meets R you will remember that we read data from HANA into R directly, without having to download an .csv file, but using ODBC. This time, we’re going to read data from HANA as well, but after do some nice tricks on R, we’re going to post back the information into HANA.Keep in mind, that is not an standard...

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When R met SAP Gateway


A couple of days ago, I was toying with the idea of doing something with SAP Gateway…I thought of using SUP, but as I recently wrote 2 blogs about it, I decided to go back to one of my favorite programming languages…R…So…Gateway can be consumed as ODATA and JSON (If I’m not wrong) is not fully supported, so my only option was ODATA…bu...

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Sanitizing data in SAP HANA with R


From April 10 to April 11, my team (Anne, Juergen and myself) host an InnoJam in Boston. It was a really great event, but the data provided by the City of Boston wasn’t exactly in the best shape, so we took a lot of efforts (with a help of the SAP Guru’s that helped us) to sanitize the data.At some point, as I was asked to use my Regular Expr...

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When SAP HANA met R – First kiss


If you follow my blogs (I hope you do) then you know I really love the R programming language but I also love SAP HANA and in the past I have dealt with integration between those two:HANA meets RR meets HANASanitizing data in SAP HANA with RBut…those integrations were not done using the SAP way…which means, they are not supported ...

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I’m following you in Twitter…are you following me back?


If you spend some time on Twitter, you might have some followers and some people that you follow…the more time you spend, the more people you’re going to interact with…Sometimes, you just realized that you’re following some many people that might or not follow you back…for some “accounts”, it doesn’t matter…I mean…...

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