Publications by AbdulMajedRaja RS
How to do negation-proof sentiment analysis in R
Sentiment Analysis is one of those things in Machine learning which is still getting improvement with the rise of Deep Learning based NLP solutions. There are many things like Sarcasm, Negations and similar items make Sentiment Analysis a rather tough nut to crack. Deep learning as much as it’s effective, it’s also computationally expensive a...
2789 sym R (667 sym/5 pcs)
Find out Bulk Email ID Reputations Risk using R
If you are working in Info Sec / Cyber Security, One of the things that might be part of your day job is to filter email to remove spams / phishing emails. While this could be done at several levels and ways, monitoring the email id (like [email protected]) and validating its reputation to see if it seems risky / suspicious or authentic and then...
3132 sym R (2162 sym/6 pcs)
Programmatically extract TIOBE Index Ratings
TIOBE Index is an index (ranking) that claims to represent the popularity of programming languages. Yihui (The creator of blogdown package), recently wrote a blogpost titled “On TIOBE Index and the era of decision fatigue” and I strongly recommend you to go through that before continuing with this post. So the Disclaimer goes like this: This ...
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Interactive Visualization in R with apexcharter
Interactive Visualizations are powerful these days because those are all made for web. Web – simply a combination of html,css and javascript which build interactive visualizations. Thus, paving way for a lot of javascript charting libraries like highcharts.js, apexcharts.js. Thanks to htmlwidgets of R, many R developers have started porting tho...
3807 sym R (750 sym/6 pcs)
How to create unigrams, bigrams and n-grams of App Reviews
This is one of the frequent questions I’ve heard from the first timer NLP / Text Analytics – programmers (or as the world likes it to be called “Data Scientists”). Prerequisite For simplicity, this post assumes that you already know how to install a package and so you’ve got tidytext installed on your R machine. install.packages("tidyt...
4769 sym R (5558 sym/11 pcs) 4 img
How to make Square (Pie) Charts for Infographics in R
Are you looking for some unique way of visualizing your numbers instead of simply using bar charts – which sometimes could be boring the audience – if used, slide after slide? Here’s Square Pie / Waffle Chart for you. Waffle Chart or as it goes technically, Square Pie Chart is just is just a pie chart that use squares instead of circles to ...
1950 sym R (963 sym/4 pcs) 2 img
Beginners Cookbook for Interactive Visualization in R with highcharter
Philosophy This Post is purely aimed at helping beginners with cookbook-style code for Interactive Visualizations using highcharter package in R. About highcharter highcharter by Joshua Kunst R package is a wrapper for the ‘Highcharts’ library including shortcut functions to plot R objects. ‘Highcharts’ is a ch...
3430 sym R (2216 sym/17 pcs)
Extract Top Reddit Posts of #rstats in 3 lines of R Code
This post is kept (literally) minimal to demonstrate how simple is this hack using R (of course could be simple in other languages too). This is also to establish a point that R has got use-cases beyond statistics and data-mining. Objective rstats subreddit is one of the popular sources of R-related information / discussion on the internet. We�...
1905 sym R (3270 sym/2 pcs)
How to generate meaningful fake data for learning, experimentation and teaching
The Problem There’s one thing about R that a lot of people have as their Top-of-Mind. That’s the black-and-white plot of iris dataset which is definitely a huge boring view of R. That’s boring because of aesthetics but also because it’s such a cliched example used over and over again. The other problem is finding the right set of dataset ...
3322 sym R (2422 sym/5 pcs) 2 img
Do you love Data Science? I mean, the Data part in it
Last week, We talked all about Artificial Intelligence (also Artifical Stupidity) which led me to think about the foundation of Data Science that's the Data itself. I think, Data is the least appreciated entity in the Data Science Value chain. You might agree with me, If you do Data Science outside Competitive Platforms like Kaggle where Data giv...
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