Estrada, J. & Jaimes, A. 7
Reto 1 Latest
R Markdown En este trabajo realizamos el primer reto, el cual corresponde en realizar las gráficas contenidas en: Gráficos Ejercicio 1 ¿Que empresas ocuparon los primeros puestos en Florida Central en 2003? -...
729 sym R (1064 sym/1 pcs) 13 img 7 tbl
Jay Ralyea 7
Data Science in Finance - Lab 4 Latest
Article published on January 10, 2021 Summary of Article The financial services industry finds itself among the ever growing list of fields looking to benefit from data science. Rohit Sharma article identifies the “top seven use cases” of...
2520 sym 2 img 1 tbl
Jose Rodriguez 7
Data Mining - Assignment 2 Latest
Q2 Carefully explain the differences between the KNN classifier and KNN regression methods. KNN classifier and KNN regression methods are non-parametric approaches that depend on the value of a k-number of neighbors of a point to define the value...
6421 sym R (11831 sym/32 pcs) 3 img
Johan S. Rojas Ch. 7
Lectura, filtrado y visualización de datos vectoriales geoespaciales del departamento de Cauca en R Latest
Introducción. Este es un R Markdown Notebook en el que se manejan funciones basicas de las bibliotecas “simple features” (sf) y “tidyverse” (tidyverse). Tiene como proposito responder a la actividad de aprendizaje de las funcionalidades...
14654 sym R (35298 sym/58 pcs) 7 img
Sie Siong Wong - Joe Rovalino - Anil Akyildirim 7
Data607-Final Project - Team -Big Bang - AA, SSW, JR Latest
Load R Packages # Load Requried Packages library(tm) library(lda) library(httr) library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(anytime) library(stringi) library(twitteR) library(syuzhet) library(tidytext) library(tidyverse) library(SnowballC)...
10092 sym R (43149 sym/65 pcs) 9 img
Essay 1 - Tese Latest
1 Conhecendo a base de dados da aviação comercial brasileira de 2010 a 2019 1.1 Análise descritiva dos dados Inicialmente realiza-se a análise descritiva das variáveis carga paga (payload), bagagem extra (bag_extra), número de voos (freq),...
5349 sym R (58006 sym/18 pcs) 9 img
PG Descriptive Statistics #1 Latest
Data wrangling Frequency table TAI Basic plots ggplot2 plots Using facets Descriptive statistics #1 Mean, mean and mode of apartaments prices in Wrocław Summary tables with ‘kable’ Summary: DS Lab #1 - Apartments in Wrocław Karol...
5910 sym R (307 sym/1 pcs) 11 img 9 tbl
Jason Snare 7
Math 239 HW#2 Latest
1. library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching packages ───────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.0 ── ## ✓ ggplot2 3.3.2 ✓ purrr 0.3.4 ## ✓...
883 sym R (6362 sym/61 pcs) 6 img
Amanda Casey 7
Amanda's Assignment 4 Latest
Assignment 4 Overview This assignemnt we were tasked with taking down data from Twitter and to do something cool with it. I decided to look at data on #turtle, because I love turtles and wanted to see what I could tell from this assignment about...
4530 sym R (22843 sym/41 pcs) 3 img
Johan Urquijo 7
Práctica 1 de percepción remota Latest
Percepción Remota - Práctica 1 Descarga de dados de percepción remota En esta práctica se explica como obtener datos satelitales y almacenarlos en el directorio de trabajo. Estos datos serán utilizados posteriormente en las próximas...
969 sym R (849 sym/3 pcs)