
Assignment 3 Latest


library(dplyr) library(readr) Load the movies dataset movies <- read_csv(“”) 1. Rename columns movies_renamed...

2330 sym

Formative Exercise 1 Latest


Workbook Formative Task...

37 sym 1 img

spemurphy 7

An exploratory analysis on the affects of extreme weather events on public health and the economy from 1950-2011 in the United States of America. Latest


Synopsis Analysis was completed based on the parameters of the project. Data was downloaded from the web and then processed using the dplyr package. This allowed for the creation of new variables and the subsequent filtering of other variables....

3800 sym R (3927 sym/32 pcs) 2 img

NIck Park 1st attempt at Quarto Latest


Nick Park 1st attempt at Quarto Author Nick Park Quarto I understand what Quarto is used for but will need to practice lots!! It enables you to weave together content and executable code into a finished document. To learn more about Quarto see...

693 sym 1 img

Document Latest


A introdução das Sociedades Anônimas de Futebol (SAFs) no Brasil trouxe uma série de impactos, tanto positivos quanto negativos, para o cenário esportivo e financeiro do futebol no país. Vamos explorar esses aspectos: Impactos Positivos...

3007 sym

คำนวณปริมาณคาร์บอนที่สะสมในไม้ยืนต้น (ประเภททั่วไป) Latest


คำนวณปริมาณคาร์บอนที่สะสมในไม้ยืนต้น (ทั่วไป) สร้าง Function สำหรับใช้คำนวณ C2D<-function(circumference){...

127 sym

Alex Kozela 7

Mini Assignment 3 - Healthcare Equity Analysis Latest


This healthcare equity analysis explores the spatial distribution of hospitals in Fulton and Dekalb counties through the lenses of poverty, health insurance, and individuals with disability. 1. Import and tidy Yelp data # Load required packages...

2213 sym R (37527 sym/33 pcs) 3 img

Course Notes Latest


An Introduction to Ordered Logit Christopher Weber 2024-10-07 The Ordered Logit This summary follows your assigned reading in Long (1997) Only use an ordered parameterization when we have ordered data. Some data can be ordered, even if they are...

5105 sym 1 img

SPIN-Study Tracking Latest


Libraries library(tidyr) ## Warning: package 'tidyr' was built under R version 4.3.2 library(dplyr) ## Warning: package 'dplyr' was built under R version 4.3.2 ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from...

7495 sym R (111843 sym/195 pcs) 4 img 2 tbl

Learning - Linear Regression Latest


Introduction Linear regression is a fundamental statistical technique used to model relationships between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. In this tutorial, we will explore how to perform linear regression in R using the...

5508 sym R (6481 sym/17 pcs) 11 img 3 tbl