Suci Wulandari, Prof Dr Suhartono M.kom 17
Visualisasi dan Prediksi Data Inflow-Outflow Uang Kartal di Banten Latest
Lembaga = Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang Jurusan = Teknik Informatika Pengertian Inflow-Outflow Uang Kartal Inflows adalah uang yang masuk ke Bank Indonesia melalui kegiatan penyetoran, dan outflows adalah uang yang keluar...
1006 sym R (13607 sym/30 pcs) 14 img
Tugas 1 - Sains Data Latest
title: “tugas 1” author: “Syaza” date: “22/8/2021” output: html_document #Data Checking library(dplyr) data = data.frame(Titanic) View (Titanic) str (Titanic) class(Titanic) #Summarise data number_passangers = summarise(data,...
937 sym
JHU F22 - Core Financial Market Indicators Latest
Financial markets are complex. It’s easy to get lost in the details. While there are infinite data series one can look at, there are a few that play a central role in global financial markets. We are going to start by looking at those. Also,...
635 sym
Teja Kodali 17
Visualising thefts using heatmaps in ggplot2 Latest
This is a continuation of my previous article, where I gave a basic overview of how to construct heatmaps in R. Here, I will show you how to use R packages to build a heatmap on top of the map of Chicago to see which areas have the most amount of...
4368 sym R (1088 sym/7 pcs) 12 img
Thom 17
Comparing correlations: independent and dependent (overlapping or non-overlapping) Latest
In Chapter 6 (correlation and covariance) I consider how to construct a confidence interval (CI) for the difference between two independent correlations. The standard approach uses the Fisher z transformation to deal with boundary effects (the...
7844 sym R (2227 sym/4 pcs) 2 img
Tiangeng Lu 17
Matching Multiple Patterns & N-grams Text Mining Using R base Latest
Background & Data: It’s an ongoing research project of a systematic literature review. Text data were article titles and abstracts that contain key terms of interest downloaded from Web of Science. In this demonstration, I will show how to...
2077 sym R (8179 sym/7 pcs)
McMahon 17
A-Maine-Tank_All-Species_Color Latest
Set up read in relevant files I took the sheet Diana sent me and saved a csv with each tab of that sheet then read those in here. remove dead and lost We only had 52 removed. This seems a bit low to me and I wonder if the scallops that were...
5985 sym R (39091 sym/109 pcs) 54 img 6 tbl
tomizono 17
Control the Function Scope by the R Package Namescope Latest
An attractive feature of the package is the namespace. The R language cannot write a function that has a limited scope. But converting the same script to a package brings a scope by the namespace. Because every package with namespace is...
2072 sym R (1253 sym/7 pcs) 4 img
Travis Compton 17
Visualization Examples using Plotly and Highcharter. Latest
The objective of this is to display visualizations using plotly and highcharter. Ex.1 Use mpg data set from ggplot2 to create a static visualization and then use ggplotly() to create a limited interactive plot. data('mpg', package = "ggplot2") wf...
1016 sym R (1542 sym/12 pcs)
Tyler Baker 17
DATA 607 Assignment #1 Latest
Introduction How Does the English Premier League Compare to the Rest of the World? The Barclay’s English Premier League is often talked about. Teams such as Manchester United, Manchester City, and Chelsea are often discussed in the sports...
1037 sym R (350 sym/1 pcs)