
chris2016 18

Bias in high dimensional optimism corrected bootstrap procedure Latest


I have been working in high dimensional analysis to predict drug response in rheumatoid arthritis patients and I was concerned to find the procedure called optimism corrected bootstrapping over-fits as p (number of features) increases. Optimism...

2708 sym R (2125 sym/6 pcs)

Daniel's Blog 18

Showing explained variance from multilevel models Latest


In this post I will show one way to display explained variance using a line chart. For the best of my knowledge, there is no a default plot for displaying the effect of a factor on the deviance of multilevel models; so this is going to be a...

1018 sym R (2394 sym/1 pcs) 4 img

Dell 18

Tablas, histogramas y polígonos de distribución de frecuencia Latest


#U1A2 #31/Agosto/2020 #David Picos #2do ejercicio de Estadística aplicada #Tablas de frecuencia e histogramas #paquetes library(fdth) ## ## Attaching package: 'fdth' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ##...

12 sym R (1410 sym/14 pcs) 7 img

XML practice Latest


library(ggplot2) library(tidyverse) library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(gridExtra) library(grid) library(DT) library(data.table) library(httr) library(tsibble) library(tibble) library(xml2) library(RColorBrewer) # gridExtra for...

3227 sym R (4092 sym/17 pcs) 5 img

denishaine 18

Publishing in Veterinary Academic Journals Latest


Following the post by Arthur Charpentier (Freakonometrics), I wondered what would be the outcome considering my current engagement (veterinary medicine, epidemiology, bovine mastitis). Briefly, Arthur Charpentier’s post looked at clusters of...

4425 sym R (419 sym/3 pcs) 30 img

Unidad de Proyecto Especial Barrio Padre Carlos Mugica, Dirección General de Mejoramiento de Vivienda 18

Reporte mes de Septiembre Latest


El presente informe es un reporte de los avances realizados por la DGMV en el mes de Septiembre. 2021. Su contenido deviene del análisis de la información obtenida, relevada y elaborada por los trabajadores de dicho programa con el objetivo de...

9107 sym 32 img 4 tbl

DashBoard do Pareamento de Base de Dados sobre Óbitos por Acidentes de Trânsito Latest


Òbito por Acidentes de Trânsito DETRAN-PA — 08 março, 2022 Socio-Econômico Gênero Escolaridade Faixa Etária Estado Civil Condição Vítima Tipos de Acidentes Condição de Vítimas Calendário Turnos Meses Dias...

370 sym R (15087 sym/1 pcs) 1 img

Diana Lorena Barajas Pedroza 18

DE-Clase 2 Latest


problema 1: se desea comparar genotipos de papa con base al redimiento (biomasa de tuberculos). Un ensayo utilizó dos variedades (criolla y pastusa) involucrando 180 plantas de la primera variedad y 200 de las segunda. Los datos de rendimineto...

1308 sym R (3861 sym/33 pcs) 2 img

Stat 138: Introduction to R and RStudio Latest


Daniel David M Pamplona Overview of History of R R is a dialect of the S language S is a language that was developed by John Chambers and others at Bell Labs S was initiated in 1976 as an internal statistical analysis environment - originally...

11749 sym R (8586 sym/118 pcs) 1 img

vadim sokolov 18

Transit-TNC analysis Latest


Accessability Maps df = %>% group_by(caid) %>% summarise(bus = mean(bus)); df$bus = df$bus/sum(df$bus) m = map = makemap(df,"bus"); m df = %>% group_by(pickupca) %>% summarise(tnc = mean(tnc)); df$tnc = df$tnc/sum(df$tnc) m = map =...

2745 sym R (3169 sym/21 pcs) 8 img