Derek Howanski 26
Test publishing Latest
library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.2 ── ## ✔ ggplot2 3.4.1 ✔ purrr 1.0.1 ## ✔ tibble...
7 sym R (1512 sym/4 pcs)
caso 2 Latest
title: “Caso 2. Datos Agrupados” author: “Dayron Silva Velazquez” date: “06/09/2022” output: html_document: code_folding: hide toc: true toc_float: true toc_depth: 6 number_sections: yes — 1 Objetivo Agrupar datos y describir datos...
5110 sym R (3315 sym/20 pcs) 5 img
Betsy Rosalen 26
Exercise 2.1 Use the help function to explore what the series gold, woolyrnq and gas represent. Use autoplot() to plot each of these in separate plots. What is the frequency of each series? Hint: apply the frequency() function. Use which.max() to...
5634 sym R (1502 sym/49 pcs) 32 img 2 tbl
MiguelAngel 26
U1A1 Latest
#primer ejercicio de estadistica aplicada # U1A1 #gramatica de graficas #28 de Agosto de 2020 #daniel ängel Valenzuela Guzmán #en este ejercicio tiene como objetivo que el estudiante se familiarice con el entorno de rstudio y el...
6 sym R (1226 sym/6 pcs) 1 img
Chun San Yip 26
CUNY Bridge Course R Assignment 1 Latest
Load the dplyr packages. library(dplyr) Calculate 12-factorial factorial = 1 for(i in 1:12) { factorial = factorial * i} print(paste("The factorial of", "12" ,"is",factorial)) ## [1] "The factorial of 12 is 479001600" Create a numeric vector...
159 sym R (430 sym/9 pcs)
Coffy Andrews-Guo 26
Lab1 Latest
library(tidyverse) library(openintro) Exercise 1 data('arbuthnot') Command to extract just the counts of girls baptized. arbuthnot$girls ## [1] 4683 4457 4102 4590 4839 4820 4928 4605 4457 4952 4784 5332 5200 4910 4617 ## [16] 3997 3919 3395...
3542 sym R (2284 sym/13 pcs) 4 img
Oscar Gabriel Rodriguez Miranda 26
Importar datos de personas URL Latest
Objetivo importar datos de personas desde una direccion URL Descripcion Leer datos con la función read.csv() del archivo personas.csv, el achivo se encuentra en: los datos se mostraran en...
376 sym R (1577 sym/3 pcs)
nzcoops 26
Mixed Models – Part 1 Latest
Very brief. Have been exploring mixed models in R using nlme::lme. Am looking forward to understanding them more, they’re going to be used more and more in years to come I’ve no doubt of that. Here are some scripts, very rough, for diagnostics...
1298 sym 16 img
Anna Podolskaya 26
exploratory analisis of bank data Latest
Hello! Glad to meet you at the first, exploratory part, of the report, prepare for the bank company. My name is Anna, I’m a third year student data analyst. In this part I’m going to explore tha data as thoroughly, as possible, look at somу...
16194 sym R (31298 sym/85 pcs) 17 img