Aparajita Sur 6
Longitudinal HW 1 - Aparajita Sur Latest
Problem 2 Simulations library(mvtnorm) library(gee) library(lattice) #Initial parameters set.seed(1996) n = 10 #observations per subject m = 25 #number of subjects beta = c(10,0) #Beta vector t = 1:10 #times tij Mean.model = beta[1] +...
4616 sym R (20449 sym/86 pcs) 38 img
Dashboard for monitoring the danger of the word "ni" and its competitor Latest
Monty Python’s Holy Grail -dashboard Anssi Tarkiainen “Ni” or “Ecky-ecky-ecky-ecky-pikang-zoop-boing-goodem-zu-owly-zhiv”? Row This is a dashboard that retrieves scripts from Another Bleeding Monty Python Website. The scraped...
1686 sym
Reproducible Research Week 4 Latest
Most dangerous Natural Events by Injuries Synopsis Of the different natural events, Heat waves tend to be the most dangerous. However, when taking into consideration total injuries, tornadoes have the highest impact. Data Processing After the...
689 sym R (746 sym/5 pcs) 2 img
Aura Frizzati 6
TS basics Latest
library(fable) library(ggplot2) White Noise err<-rnorm(n=200,mean=0,sd=1) wn<-data.frame(t = 0:199,y = err) %>% as_tsibble(index=t) wn %>% autoplot() + ggtitle("White Noise TS") TS with a stationary trend x <- 0:199...
132 sym R (879 sym/7 pcs) 6 img
avocadomuncher22 6
How to make a line graph using ggplot2 Latest
You probably learned to make a line graph back in high school (or even middle school!). But the ggplot R package can make these graphs come to life. Let’s take a look at how to do this. First, we need interesting data. For this post, we will use...
1813 sym R (383 sym/1 pcs) 2 img
Replication of Model 1 from “From anger to action: Differential impacts of eco-anxiety, eco-depression and eco-anger on climate action and wellbeing” by Stanley et al. (2021, Journal of Climate Change and Health) Author: Anais Voski...
5413 sym
Avulsos by Penz - Articles tagged as R 6
Hard drive occupation prediction with R – The linear regression Latest
On some environments, disk space usage can be pretty predictable. In this post, we will see how to do a linear regression to estimate when free space will reach zero, and how to assess the quality of such regression, all using R – the...
6059 sym R (1779 sym/10 pcs) 4 img
ANLY505 HomeWork1 Jan 2020 Latest
==— title: “ANLY 505 - Data Simulation in R” subtitle: “Week 1” author: “Abhilasha Vyas” date: “2020-01-21” output: html_document — Directions The objective of this assignment is to introduce you to R and R markdown and to...
1481 sym R (5033 sym/12 pcs) 2 img
homework_1 Latest
1a How many 7-digit phone numbers are possible, assuming that the first digit can’t be a 0 or a 1? 8 choices for the first number and 10^6 ways for the remaining number. \[ 8*10*10*10*10*10*10 \] 8*10*10*10*10*10*10 ## [1] 8e+06 1b Re-solve the...
4337 sym R (537 sym/32 pcs) 1 img
a Latest
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...
593 sym R (262 sym/2 pcs) 1 img