Eirlys Vo 6
Coursera Data Analysis Latest
Objective The goal of this project is to perform a comprehensive analysis of a dataset related to Coursera courses. I explored the dataset to understand the data structure and performed necessary data cleansing. Then, I created visualizations to see...
2539 sym R (15251 sym/19 pcs)
Ruowei Fischer 6
Test CV Latest
Objective I am a lifelong learner wanting to explore all possibilities throughout my career. Lifelong learner | Business Systems Analyst Education University of Cincinnati BANA Program 2024 - 2026 Employement University of Cincinnati DTS...
390 sym
Sabrina Chen 6
Sabrina Chen ROI Tesla Model Y Latest
CarMax ROI Problem Tesla Model Y Performance Thesis: The total cost of ownership for buying a new Tesla Model Y Performance is lower than buying a 2-year old car from CarMax. The new car was $51,490, and the two-year car was $35,998. The...
715 sym 2 img
Heidi Hartje 6
Document Latest
CarMax ROI Problem Honda CRV Thesis The total cost of ownership for buying a new Honda CRV is lower than buying a 2-year old car from CarMax. The new car was $40,242, and the two-year car was $33,370. The difference is the result of the older car...
693 sym 3 img
Emma Fields 6
Assignment 1 Latest
2 Getting Started 2.3 RStudio layout Play around with R Studio Layout. Go to Tools -> Global Options -> Appearance and Find a Style you like. Which one is it? 2.4 Working Directory #getwd("C:\Users\etfie\OneDrive\Data Visualization\Assignment 1...
3274 sym R (6033 sym/32 pcs) 5 img
Ryan Best, Elena Mejía 6
Loading_Transformations_1 Latest
Overview The Lasting Legacy of Redlining explores the discriminatory practice of redlining in an analysis of the racial segregation within 138 metropolitan cities. Ultimately, redlining has led to economic disparities and unequal opportunities for...
1534 sym
Noah Szarejko 6
Relationships between viewers, ratings, and the Office Latest
library(tidyverse) Warning: package ‘tidyverse’ was built under R version 4.3.3── Attaching core tidyverse packages ─────────────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ── ✔...
2173 sym R (929 sym/7 pcs) 1 img
Haberman survival Latest
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...
2551 sym