Muhammad Faris Hisyam 6
Covid-19 Cases by Country 21 May 2020 Latest
COVID-19 CASES BY COUNTRY This dataset is from johns_hokins_csse data. this dataset was last updated 21 May 2020, so this dataset is not the most updated covid-19 case count. We will see...
2027 sym R (3549 sym/15 pcs) 4 img
Preparing clean data from cleaning log Latest
R Training: Preparing clean data from cleaning log REACH Iraq Preparing clean data from cleaning log 1.Preparing clean data from Cleaning log There are plenty of functions that can make clean data from the cleaning log. This tutorial...
3988 sym R (1106 sym/7 pcs) 1 tbl
Michał Lahutta 6
Sprawozdanie1 Latest
0.1 Rodzaje struktur danych 0.1.1 Wektory Zadanie 1. Utwórz wektor danych “wiek” (w latach). Każdy z nich ma mieć 10 obserwacji, dowolne wartości. wiek <- c(15,25,40,50,60,23,33,36,19,24) 0.1.2 Czynnik Zadanie 2. Utwórz wektor ryzyko...
1966 sym 5 img
Miguel Acosta- Colombia 6
ANALISIS DE DATOS Pregunta ¿Existe relación entre las personas que han presentado emergencias de salud y aquellas con problemas de nutrición según la Provincia de Ecuador para el año 2020? DATA Se utilizaron dos bases de datos obtenidas del...
3519 sym R (3359 sym/10 pcs) 6 img
Assigment week 4 Latest
Impacts of the severe weather events in USA Assignment The basic goal of this assignment is to explore the NOAA Storm Database and answer some basic questions about severe weather events. You must use the database to answer the questions below...
1658 sym R (2439 sym/11 pcs) 2 img
Michel Arruda Lopes de Araújo 6
R Markdown e Mineração de Texto Latest
# Carregando as bibliotecas necessárias setwd('D:/michel/Universidade/Mestrado/disciplina/repo') rm(list=ls()) library(tm) ## Loading required package: NLP library(wordcloud) ## Loading required package: RColorBrewer library(syuzhet)...
6232 sym R (18546 sym/25 pcs) 8 img
Michele Usuelli 6
A Big Data introduction Latest
Since R uses the computer RAM, it may handle only rather small sets of data. Nevertheless, there are some packages that allow to treat larger volumes and the best solution is to connect R with a Big Data environment. This post introduces some Big...
3552 sym
Practice Latest
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...
591 sym R (262 sym/2 pcs) 1 img
Michel G. Nivard & Perline Demange 6
GWAS-by_subtraction tutorial Latest
Performing a GWAS-by-subtraction in GenomicSEM. The preprint by Demange et al. (here on BioRxiv) uses GenomicSEM and the input GWAS of educational attainment (EA) and cognitive performance (CP) to derive two new GWASes: cognitive (Cog) and...
7296 sym R (4246 sym/20 pcs) 1 img
Report Latest
Synopsis In this short analysis, I look up for the most impacting types of natural diseases for the health of the affected population and for the economic side of the event. The base data are registers of natural disasters events in US, named by...
2746 sym R (6009 sym/31 pcs) 2 img