Focalización de las IIEE del nivel Inicial para la Mejora de Aprendizajes Latest
6 sym
Berrones 6
Document Latest
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...
594 sym R (268 sym/2 pcs) 1 img
Le Thao Linh 6
Document Latest
asset.names <- c(" MSFT ", " NORD ", " SBUX ") mu.vec = c (0.0427 , 0.0015 , 0.0285) mu.vec ## [1] 0.0427 0.0015 0.0285 names (mu.vec) = asset.names mu.vec ## MSFT NORD SBUX ## 0.0427 0.0015 0.0285 sigma.mat = matrix (c (0.0100 , 0.0018 ,...
26 sym R (1664 sym/20 pcs)
EDA no clima de cidades da Paraiba Latest
Olá a todos! O objetivo desse notebook é responder algumas perguntas relacionadas ao clima de algumas cidades da Paraiba. Dentre elas, selecionamos os dados das seguinte cidades: Campina Grande Patos João Pessoa Tal análise é importante...
9866 sym R (1127 sym/7 pcs) 5 img
L. Zhang 6
practice experiment Latest
Students must abide by UVic academic regulations and observe standards of scholarly integrity (i.e. no plagiarism or cheating). Therefore, this assignment must be taken individually and not with a friend, classmate, or group. You are also...
4816 sym 2 img 1 tbl
2_species_exploration (Snapshot Safari) Latest
Camera trap species exploration Lain E. Pardo Description This code provides a general protocol for exploring camera trap data from Snapshot Safari Project. This is based on the Snapshot safari project South Africa, but can be applied to any camera...
3095 sym R (32359 sym/85 pcs) 16 img
Pesquisa Longitudinal de Ribeirão Preto Latest
A Pesquisa O Laboratório de Estudos e Pesquisas em Economia Social (LEPES) realizou um estudo em 2019 no município de Ribeirão Preto/SP com o objetivo de elaborar um retrato dos alunos do 3º e 4º anos do ensino fundamental do município em...
3544 sym 9 img
Leslie Remache 6
Remache Problem Set 2: Data Wrangling Latest
In this assignment we’ll learn about dplyr and tidyr, two packages from the tidyverse that allow elegant and easily understandable data tidying and manipulation. We’ll do this by working through the steps of loading an actual dataset,...
13116 sym R (79473 sym/56 pcs) 2 img
LV Kinyanjui 6
Sentiment Analysis Latest
Abstract This document is meant to do sentiment analysis on review that have been webscraped from Amazon’s site. We shall be using the package syuzhet. Its lower level functions are hidden and we shall only consider the functions it provides...
838 sym R (1036 sym/8 pcs) 1 img
Health and Economic Implications of Storms in US Latest
Synopsis This is a second course project for Reproducible Research course which is part of the Coursera’s Data Science Specialization. Severe weather has serious economic and health impacts, causing property damage, crop damage, injury and even...
6033 sym R (8796 sym/31 pcs) 2 img 2 tbl