Publications by Billy Caughey

Makeover Monday 2020w25 - Amazon Income


Background This is the only section I will use first person as I am speaking directly to the reader. As an R programming enthusiast, I find my participation in Makeover Monday more of a coding exercise rather than a dashboarding exercise. In the spirit of Makeover Monday, I do what I can to remain consistent with visual analytics and work with th...

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Makeover Monday 2020w26 - Viz5


Background This is the only section I will use first person as I am speaking directly to the reader. As an R programming enthusiast, I find my participation in Makeover Monday more of a coding exercise rather than a dashboarding exercise. In the spirit of Makeover Monday, I do what I can to remain consistent with visual analytics and work with th...

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UK visits abroad: All visits Thousands - SA


UK visits abroad: All visits Thousands - SA This is my dashboard for this week's Makeover Monday. The purpose of this dash is to present additional views of UK visits abroad. The original data presented can be found here. The trend line for total visits (red line) shows a steady increase of visits over time. Interestingly enough is the percen...

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Monday Makeover 2020w32: Benefits of Working Remote


Monday Makeover 2020w32 Benefits vs Struggles The benefits of working from home seem to have some powerful benefits. For instance, the ability to have a flexible schedule seems to be at the foremost of everyone's mind. What is interesting is the top three benefits and the top three struggles seem to be related. For starters, having a flexible ...

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Makeover Monday 2020w41


Introduction This weeks makeover monday is around a DataIQ article. The specific visual this week is belows: Fig. 1: Viz of the week What works and what doesn't work with this chart? What works: Simple. Key shows the profession the response is from. Labeled and key shown. What doesn't work: The circular bars are really difficult to read. I ...

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Makeover Monday 2020 - Week 50


Summary This week’s makeover is on the artist, Bob Ross. The show “The Joy of Painting” featured Bob Ross’s paintings from 1983-1994. Bob’s friendly and calming comments of “friendly cloud”, “almighty mountain”, and “happy trees” continue to bring smiles to those who watched his show and the reruns. There were 31 seasons of ...

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Monday Makeover - 2020w44


Purpose This document differs from the Makeover Monday social experiment. Instead of producing a dashboard, an analysis will be produced. The goal of this analysis is to practice various methods and processes from statitics and machine learning. Each week, a new data set is produced. The data will be reviewed and new tools will be used. The hope ...

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Makeover Monday - 2021W3


Makeover Monday, 2021 Week 3 This weeks makeover is about global warming. The question I asked was is the northern or southern hemisphere driving the global trend. Based on the figures, the northern hemisphere appears to be driving the global trends. Since the mid-1970’s, the northern hemisphere has seeing an almost exponential increase in t...

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Makeover Monday - W1


Trial Counts, 2019-2020 At a very high level, the trail counters show there were more folks on the trails in 2020 compared to 2019. This is mostly due to COVID shutting down other common conveniences. The number of bike sales in 2020 far surpassed that of 2019. Combining this with the definite change in trend in pedestrians, it suggests there ...

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Makeover Monday - 2021W2


Makeover Monday 2021, Week 2 This week’s makeover is about HIV infections in Africa. Specifically, we consider new HIV infections and AIDs related deaths. A few key points from this information: Young ladies, specifically in Eastern and Southern Africa, have the highest new infection rates from 1990-2020. These infection rates, although dec...

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