Publications by The Jumping Rivers Blog
February Training Update
We have a great selection of online public training courses coming up over the next two months, including a variety of R courses, as well as some more stats-heavy courses on Bayesian Inference and a series of courses by guest trainer Prof. Darren Wilkinson. Read on for a taste of what’s in store, or head over to our training page for full detai...
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End-to-end testing with shinytest2
This is the final part of a series of three blog posts about using the {shinytest2} package to develop automated tests for shiny applications. In the posts we cover the purpose of browser-driven end-to-end tests for a shiny developer, and tools (like {shinytest2}) that help implement them; how to write and run a simple test using {shinytest2}; ...
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Improving the responsiveness of Shiny applications
What do we mean by “responsiveness”? Confusingly (and rather unhelpfully) when it comes to web applications there are two different topics that may be referred to by the terms “responsive” or “responsiveness”. If you stick “responsive UI” into your favourite search engine the top results will concern “responsive design” – th...
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Events at Jumping Rivers
At Jumping Rivers we’re all about getting involved in the R community! As such, we host multiple events throughout the year. Read on for information about what we have planned so far for 2023!ConferencesSatRdays London 2023In April 2023 we will be hosting SatRdays at Bush House, London. SatRdays are low cost, not for profit events aimed to a...
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End-to-end testing with shinytest2
This is the second of a series of three blog posts about using the {shinytest2} package to develop automated tests for shiny applications. In the posts we will cover the purpose of browser-driven end-to-end tests for a shiny developer, and tools (like {shinytest2}) that help implement them; how to write and run a simple test using {shinytest2} ...
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SatRdays London 2023
SatRdays is returning to London this April! SatRdays are low-cost R conferences, hosted on Saturdays to enable those who usually cannot attend to take part. Thanks to CUSP London, SatRdays London will take place at Bush House, King’s College London. King’s Bush House buildings provide a home for many of their academic departments, as well as ...
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Shiny in Production: Recordings
This week, we’ve been reminding ourselves of some of the amazing talks from the Shiny in Production conference in October. The recordings are now up on our YouTube channel, for anyone to view!For a run down of the day and what you can expect from the videos, take a look at our recent Highlights blog. Do you require help building a Shiny app?...
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Top 5 Shiny UI Add-On Packages
There are a growing number of Shiny users across the world, and with many users comes an increasing number of open-source “add-on” packages that extend the functionality of Shiny, both in terms of the front end and the back end of an app. This blog will highlight 5 UI add-on packages that can massively improve your user experience and also ju...
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Automating Dockerfile creation for Shiny apps
Introduction For creating a production deployment of a {shiny} application it is often useful to be able to provide a Docker image that contains all the dependencies for that application. Here we explore how one might go about automating the creation of a Dockerfile that will allow us to build such an image for a {shiny} application. What is dock...
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Burnout in Data Professionals – A Personal Take
Data science and data engineering are incredibly cognitively demanding professions. As data professionals, we are required to leverage both our analytical/engineering skills and our interpersonal skills to be effective contributors within our organisations. Based on my personal experience, the field seems to concentrate humans who are detail-orie...
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