Publications by Shamecca Marshall
Data 607 - Working with Tidy Data Document
Data gathering, tidying and transformation rm(list = ls()) library(plyr) library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:plyr': ## ## arrange, count, desc, failwith, id, mutate, rename, summarise, ## summarize ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag...
900 sym R (5411 sym/34 pcs) 3 img
Data 606 - Lab 4
In this lab, you’ll investigate the probability distribution that is most central to statistics: the normal distribution. If you are confident that your data are nearly normal, that opens the door to many powerful statistical methods. Here we’ll use the graphical tools of R to assess the normality of our data and also learn how to generate rand...
9923 sym Python (3726 sym/30 pcs) 12 img
Data 606 Lab 3 - Probability
The Hot Hand Basketball players who make several baskets in succession are described as having a hot hand. Fans and players have long believed in the hot hand phenomenon, which refutes the assumption that each shot is independent of the next. However, a 1985 paper by Gilovich, Vallone, and Tversky collected evidence that contradicted this belief an...
10895 sym R (2676 sym/23 pcs) 2 img
Data 607 - Project 1
Loading and reading the data library(stringr) library(readr) url = '' chesstournament = readLines(url) head(chesstournament) ## [1] "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ## [2] " Pair | Player Name ...
581 sym R (5023 sym/16 pcs)
Data 607 - Week 3 R Character Manipulation and Date Processing
1. Using the 173 majors listed in’s College Majors dataset [], provide code that identifies the majors that contain either “DATA” or “STATISTICS” Load data from GitHub majors = read.csv(file="
1757 sym
Data 607 - SQL to R Week 2
library(kableExtra) library(RMySQL) ## Loading required package: DBI Connect to SQL Connect to database myLocalPassword <- 'root' my.database = dbConnect(MySQL(), user='root', password = myLocalPassword, dbname='movies', host='localhost') dbListTables(my.database) ## [1] "movie" "ratingdetails" "ratings" "viewers" Display Viewers V...
142 sym R (627 sym/8 pcs)
Data 606 - Lab 2: Introduction to Data
Load packages The data data(nycflights) names(nycflights) ## [1] "year" "month" "day" "dep_time" "dep_delay" "arr_time" ## [7] "arr_delay" "carrier" "tailnum" "flight" "origin" "dest" ## [13] "air_time" "distance" "hour" "minute" ?nycflights Taking a glimpse at the data glimpse(nycflights) ## Rows: 32,735 ...
2579 sym Python (5325 sym/32 pcs) 7 img
Data 607 - WNBA 2022
Overview The Data I will be working with for this assignment “2022 WNBA Predictions.” This database tracks and records the WNBA teams, who the home team played, their win probability, pre and post game ratings, and score. The dataset was taken from: Load data from GitHub WNBAPredicti...
571 sym Python (1916 sym/6 pcs)
Data 606 - Lab 1
Data 606 - Lab 1 Shamecca Marshall 1. Taking a peek at the data and viewing it. data('arbuthnot', package='openintro') 2. View the dimensions, names of the variables, and the first few observations of this data frame. glimpse(arbuthnot) ## Rows: 82 ## Columns: 3 ## $ year <int> 1629, 1630, 1631, 1632, 1633, 1634, 1635, 1636, 1637, 1638, 1639…...
1445 sym 4 img
1. Write a loop that calculates 12-factorial factorial <- 1 for (s in 1:12) { factorial <- factorial * s } print(paste("The factorial of 12 is:", factorial)) ## [1] "The factorial of 12 is: 479001600" 2. Show how to create a numeric vector that contains the sequence from 20 to 50 by 5. n <- seq(20,50,5) as.numeric(n) ## [1] 20 25 30 35 40 45 50...
382 sym