Publications by romain francois

bibtex 0.2-1


I’ve uploaded version 0.2-1 of my bibtex package to CRAN. This release anticipates changes in R 2.12.0, and structures bibtex entries in object of the new class bibentry. The release also fixes various parser and lexer bugs Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: Romain Francois, Professi...

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useR! 2010


I was in useR! last week, it was great to catch up with friends, see what people are doing with R, tell people what I am doing with R, etc … the conference was great This year I presented with Dirk in Laurel and Hardy mode and I’ve uploaded our slides in my slideshare account Rcpp: Seemless R and C++View more presentations from Romain Francoi...

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Juggling with fire


People were juggling with fire sur la place de la Comedie tonight in Montpellier Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: Romain Francois, Professional R Enthusiast. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if yo...

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highlight 0.2-2


I’ve released highlight 0.2-2 to CRAN. This release adds the possibility to control the font size of the latex code generated by sweave (when using the driver that is provided by highlight) For example, this C++ code (using Rcpp) will be highlighted in tiny size. <<lang=cpp,size=tiny>>= double square( double x){   return x*x ; } SEXP foo( S...

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Rcpp at LondonR, oct 5th


I’ll be presenting Rcpp at the next LondonR, which is currently scheduled for october 5th Here is one picture I found on flickr, searching for london speed bus, … there are many other Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: Romain Francois, Professional R Enthusiast. offe...

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Rcpp svn revision 2000


I commited the 2000th revision of Rcpp svn today, so I wanted to look back at what I did previously with the 50 000th R commit. Here are the number of commits per day and month … the same thing, but focused on the period since I joined the project … and now split by contributor here are the month where each of us have been the most active...

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Rcpp 0.8.6


Dirk released Rcpp 0.8.6 to CRAN Most of the development of this release was trigerred by a question on the Rcpp-devel mailing list. After Richard’s question, we added d-p-q-r functions for most of the distributions available in R. The file runit.stats.R contains several examples of using them. We have also started developing Rcpp 0.8.7, which...

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LondonR Rcpp slides


I’m just back to london where I presented about Rcpp at mango‘s LondonR event. This was the third time (after rmetrics and useR!) I presented these slides, so I allowed myself some new metaphores about my long term relationship with R and my indiscretions with other languages such as C++. I’ve uploaded my slides to my slideshare account: ...

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Chicago R Meetup slides


Second stop of my world tour was chicago yesterday night, where I presented a quick light review of various ways to represent objects in R: lexical scoping, S3, S4, the new reference classes and also with C++ using Rcpp modules or RProtoBuf My slides are on my slideshare account: Object Oriented Design(s) in RView more presentations from Romain ...

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Google slides


Last stop on my World tour was Google headquarters in Mountain View, California, where Dirk and I presented Rcpp, RInside, RProtoBuf, etc … for 90 minutes today. The talk was recorded, and will be broadcasted on youtube at some point. In the meantime, the slides are available here: Integrating R with C++: Rcpp, RInside and RProtoBufView more p...

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