Publications by Natalie Kalukeerthie

R Bridge Week 3 HW


1. Data Exploration: This should include summary statistics, means, medians, quartiles, or any other relevant information about the data set. Please include some conclusions in the R Markdown text. Load in packages and dataset require(ggplot2) ## Loading required package: ggplot2 require(tidyr) ## Loading required package: tidyr require(plyr) ...

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R Bridge Course Week 1 HW - Natalie Kalukeerthie


1. Write a loop that calculates 12-factorial: my_fact <- 1 #defining vector #loops to 12 for (x in 1:12) { my_fact <- my_fact * x cat(x, "!: ", my_fact, "\n") } ## 1 !: 1 ## 2 !: 2 ## 3 !: 6 ## 4 !: 24 ## 5 !: 120 ## 6 !: 720 ## 7 !: 5040 ## 8 !: 40320 ## 9 !: 362880 ## 10 !: 3628800 ## 11 !: 39916800 ##...

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R Bridge Course Week 2 HW - Natalie Kalukeerthie


1. Use the summary function to gain an overview of the data set. Then display the mean and median for at least two attributes. general_social <- read.csv('GSS7402.csv') summary(general_social) ## X kids age education year ## Min. : 1 Min. :0.000 Min. :18.00 Min. : 0.00 Min...

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