Publications by Nguyen Bui
#Load libraries #Read and adjust datasets Analyze Title Statistics ## Joining, by = "word"Joining, by = "word" Wordcloud Critical-Aspect ...
114 sym R (43 sym/1 pcs) 3 img
Tiki Job Title - Indeed Skills
Content General Activities Job Description Requirement ...
75 sym 8 img
Text_mining_cartoon Nguyen_LSCM — April 15 2020 This kernel is created by the “…” inspiration Hi I’m just a second year student. I learn these great things by myself, so please to give me more suggestions if you find any problems with my kernel. Also, Please to upvote if you like my kernel . Overview Column Wordcloud Senti...
572 sym 4 img
House Price_demo_1
Load libraries and dataset View the data Visualize Region Year vs Total Volume Price Ratio of Organic per Conventional Type of Avocado Type of Bags Price Series Each month of each year Select Region Each month ...
263 sym 2 img
Untitled Nguyen_LSCM — 5/2/2020 Row {data-width = 500} Time Quantity Row {data-width = 500} Map ...
161 sym 4 img
scatterD3 tutorial
suppressMessages(library(scatterD3)) ## Warning: package 'scatterD3' was built under R version 3.6.3 Preface scatterD3(data=mtcars,x=wt,y=mpg) Global points settings point_size: allows to change the global size of all points point_opacity: allows to change the global opaccity of all points -colors when given a single HTML color code, allows t...
1006 sym R (3141 sym/33 pcs)
Photo by Fabio Bracht (@bracht) on Unsplash. 1 Introduction Welcome to an extensive Exploratory Data Analysis for the 5th Makridakis forecasting competitions (M5)! This notebook will grow over the coming days and weeks into a deep dive of all the relevant aspects of this challenge. Here’s all you need to know to get started: Some Background: t...
8210 sym R (8981 sym/63 pcs) 1 img 3 tbl
Mid-term . Marketing Nielsen Group nice to have — June 15 2020 Product of Lion company “Household and personal care are 2 categories that Lion are aim at launching in Vietnam.” “Click in this tree to see more Lion categories and sub-categories” Potential Market - Map visualization “Vietnam and other countries. Pleas...
7508 sym 10 img
house price
1 Executive Summary I started this competition by just focusingon getting a good understanding of the dataset. The EDa is detailed and many visualizations are included. This version also includes modeling. Lasso regressions performs best with a cross validation RMSE-score of 0.1121. Given the fact that there is a lot of multicollinearity among t...
34216 sym R (69557 sym/435 pcs) 28 img 3 tbl
1 Introduction This is an R approach to the Titanic Exploratory Data Analysis and modelling using the tidyverse packages. In a first step, I will focus on visualisations of the various features and their (inter-related) properties. Later, I will explore the usage of different classifiers. I’m mainly using dplyr for data manipulation and ggplot2...
51923 sym R (22653 sym/79 pcs) 30 img