Publications by Mickey Campbell
CamWordleWorld Author Mickey Campbell What in god’s sweet name have I done? I’ve clearly got too much time on my hands, so I thought I’d do a little data exploration on our ongoing Wordle competition. I exported our CamWordleWorld chat to a text file, and then did some data cleanup to get a table of our daily scores. Here’s that table: ...
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Exploring calculate_vi() Parallel Processing Time
Exploring calculate_vi() Parallel Processing Time Introduction The objective of this document is to provide some quantification and visualization of the differences in processing times produced by parallelization of Katherine’s VisiMod::calculate_vi() tool. I ran every combination of the following: Spatial scope: omnidirectional (“omnidir”)...
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Generating a Symmetrical Slope-Travel Rate Function
Introduction The relationship between slope and travel rates is, generally, that steeper slopes, both uphill and downhill, tend to slow one down while traveling on foot. The specific quantitative nature of that relationship has been explored in many studies, including several of our own. Most resulting slope-travel rate functions are asymmetric...
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Hospitals Data Exploration
Introduction One of the critical inputs to the Estimated Ground Evacuation Time layer (EGET) is point locations of medical facilities. They represent the end points of the travel time analysis that forms the foundation of the dataset. Given that we are in the process of updating and improving EGET, we need to ensure that we are using the best a...
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Monroe Mountain Field Site Sampling (v3)
Update 7/28/2023 Two additional changes were made: Base the land cover part of the masking process on LANDFIRE Existing Vegetation Type instead of NLCD Reduce number of points from 50 to 24 This updated Markdown document reflects the changes above. Update 7/22/2023 After a meeting on 7/6/2023 where I shared the results of the initial site plac...
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Monroe Mountain Field Site Sampling (v3)
Update 7/22/2023 After a meeting on 7/6/2023 where I shared the results of the initial site placement, we decided to make a few key changes to the sampling procedure: Broaden the range of slopes to include areas +/- 30 degrees Limit the sampling area of interest to a bounding box surrounding planned burn units Remove the constraint of only samp...
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Monroe Mountain Field Site Sampling v2
Update 7/22/2023 After a meeting on 7/6/2023 where I shared the results of the initial site placement, we decided to make a few key changes to the sampling procedure: Broaden the range of slopes to include areas +/- 30 degrees Limit the sampling area of interest to a bounding box surrounding planned burn units Remove the constraint of only samp...
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Nearest Centroid Sampling Example
It’s always easier to look at data than it is to talk about data. So, here’s what I was trying to explain in my last email… I’ll create a two-band raster with random values, and run sample_nc() on it using different parameters to see how those parameters result in different sampling schemes. First, I’ll run: nSamp = 10 k = 6 library...
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Monroe Mountain Field Site Sampling
Introduction In July-August of 2023, we will be collecting field data in the Monroe Mountain area of Fishlake National Forest. The field data will consist of two primary components: (1) fuel structural measurements; and (2) mobile laser scanning. The data will be collected in support of Carlos Silva and Andy Hudak’s recently-awarded Joint Fir...
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Reexamining Levan Travel Rates
Introduction In the Fall of 2016, I led a field experiment whereby 31 study subjects were timed as they walked along 22 transects, each 100m in length, near Levan, UT. The transects were strategically placed on the landscape so as to capture a variety of terrain and vegetation conditions. Of particular interest were: (1) the slope of the terra...
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