Publications by Mark Perkins, Ph.D.
Canvas Grades
library(rcanvas) library(tidyverse) library(rJava) ##Set your canvas token: ##set_canvas_token(“TOKEN GOES Here”) ###set_canvas_domain(“”) mark1<-get_course_list() mark<->% select(id, name, start_at)%>% mutate(prof = "Mark") mark$date<- substr(mark$start_at,1,10) mark$date<-...
245 sym R (6286 sym/6 pcs) 1 img
class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # _ ] .author[ ### Non-Traditional Status and Community College Placement ] .date[ ### Mark A. Perkins, Jonathan W. Carrier, Joseph M. Schaffer ] --- background-image: url("") background-size:910px 700px ### Backg...
3260 sym
Credential Details
### Read the WCCC Data file WCCC<- read.csv("CC_Data.csv") WCCC$CIP<- as.character(WCCC$CIP) ### Read the UW data from the multiple tab excel file UW1617<- read_excel("UW_Data.xlsx", sheet = "2016-17") UW1718<- read_excel("UW_Data.xlsx", sheet = "2017-18") UW1718<- UW1718 %>% select(ID, Institution, TermCode, DegreeType, PROGRAM_DESC, C...
10 sym Python (3941 sym/7 pcs)
Teacher Study
class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # _ ] .subtitle[ ## Wyoming Teacher Attrition ] .author[ ### Non-Monetary Factors and Solutions ] .date[ ### 10/10/2022 ] --- background-image: url("") background-size:910px 700px ### Quick Introductions of P...
16868 sym
library(tidyverse) library(psych) library(lavaan) library(semPlot) library(semPower) library(knitr) library(apaTables) library(stats) library(dplyr) library(rstatix) teacher2<- read.csv("teacher2.csv") teacher2<- separate(data = teacher2, col = Q5, into = c("teach1", "Teach2"), sep = ",")%>% mutate(Level = case_when(teach1 %in% ...
307 sym R (222431 sym/264 pcs) 27 img 13 tbl
Teacher Study Data Pull
library(tidyverse) library(psych) library(ggplot2) library(qualtRics) library(dplyr) Teacher<- separate(data = Teacher, col = Q6, into = c("Cont1", "Cont2", "Cont3", "Cont4", "Cont5", "Cont6", "Cont7", "Cont8", "Cont9", "Cont10"), sep = ",") Teacher<- Teacher %>% mutate(Cont1 = case_when(Cont1 == "Art" ~ "Elective", ...
8 sym R (16118 sym/3 pcs)
Placement Code
library(tidyverse) library(keyringr) library(DBI) library(DT) library(ggplot2) library(scales) library(knitr) library(plotly) library(kableExtra) library(ggthemes) library(lubridate) library(plyr) library(DescTools) library(car) library(rgl) library(MKmisc) library(psych) library(apaTables) library(gmodels) library(ResourceSele...
347 sym R (244168 sym/332 pcs) 12 img
College of Education Enrollment and Graduation
Background This report uses data obtained from the University of Wyoming office of Institutional Analytics in November of 2022. It examines program enrollment and program credential count for each school under the College of Education. Those schools are the Counseling Leadership Advocacy and Design (CLAD) and the School of Teacher Education ...
3087 sym
Second Teacher SEM
library(tidyverse) library(psych) library(lavaan) library(semPlot) library(semPower) library(knitr) library(apaTables) library(stats) library(dplyr) library(rstatix) library(lavaan) library(semPlot) teacher2<- read.csv("teacher2.csv") teacher2<- separate(data = teacher2, col = Q5, into = c("teach1", "Teach2"), sep = ",")%>% mu...
124 sym R (101392 sym/107 pcs) 13 img 1 tbl