Publications by Kareena del Rosario

Person Perception: Building the two-level crossed model


# load in our example data rm_df <- read.csv("/Users/kareenadelrosario/Downloads/DyadicLongitudinal_ExampleDataset_RM3.csv") Dataset overview 482 stranger dyads interacted during four weekly guided conversations. People reported on their intellectual humility (IH) at three time points: pre (before the first conversation), post (after the last conv...

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Person Perception 1: Two-Level Models in SPSS & R


In this exercise, we are going to replicate the SPSS MIXED analysis in R. Load libraries library(haven) library(dplyr) library(nlme) Load SPSS data file dyad_df <- read_sav("sample data_two_level.sav") Let’s first run this analysis using linear regression (ignoring nonindependence). lm_mod <- lm(awish ~ sloppy_roommateC + first_similarNC + gender...

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Introduction to R


The RMarkdown file can be downloaded here: Our introduction to R will be divided into 3 different subsections (orienting yourself to R, data manipulation, data visualization) Overview of Section 1 1. Different R Platforms 2. R Grammar 3. Installing and Loading Libraries 4. Using Functions 5. Im...

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Data Manipulation in R


Level 2: Data Manipulation 1. Introduction to basic data manipulation (mutate, select, filter, summarize) 2. Applying dplyr to real data 3. Intermediate data manipulation (change var class, lapply, composite scores, conditional mutate) 4. Restructuring datasets (wide to long, long to wide) 5. Writing your own functions 6. Using correlations to insp...

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Data Visualization in R


Level 3: Data Visualization 1. Intro to the layers of ggplot (data, aes, geom) 2. Changing the aesthetics (shape, color, size, fill, alpha) 3. Scatterplots 4. Histograms 5. Boxplots 6. Bar Graphs 7. Line Graphs BONUS: Animated Graphs Data Visualization Exam and festival datasets are from: lib...

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