Publications by Justin Williams
Assignment 1 - Loading Data into a Data Frame
What Do Men Think It Means To Be A Man? Overview The article was essentially about mens idea about masculinity, and its subsequent role in society. A survey was given in light of the 2018 #MeToo movement, which is/was a movement where folks came out about their abuses primarily from men. The goal of this survey was to attempt to quantify if the ...
1625 sym R (3741 sym/9 pcs) 2 tbl
Week 7 Assignment
library(tidyverse) library(RCurl) library(XML) library(jsonlite) library(rvest) library(xml2) Overview We were asked to pick three of our favorite books on one of our favorite subjects. Basic requirements were: - at least one of the books should have more than one author - for each book, include the title, authors, and two or three other attrib...
1800 sym R (6528 sym/19 pcs)
Assignment 3 - Character manipulation
Exercises for Week 3 Data 607 #1. Using the 173 majors listed in’s College Majors dataset [], provide code that identifies the majors that contain either “DATA” or “STATISTICS” library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching packages ───�...
3355 sym R (2247 sym/14 pcs)
Project 1 - Data Analysis
Overview In this project, we were given a text file with chess tournament results where the information had a cross-table structure. Our job was to create an R Markdown file that generates a .CSV file (that could for example be imported into a SQL database) with the following information for all of the players: Player’s Name Player’s State T...
1156 sym R (6512 sym/24 pcs) 1 img
Assignment 5 - Israel COVID-19 Data
library(tidyverse) library(readxl) library(reshape) Overview We were asked to analyze data from August 2021 Israeli hospitalization (“Severe Cases”) rates for pople under 50 (assume “50 and under”) and over 50, for both unvaccinated and fully vaccinated populations. Specific questions were as follows: 1) Do you have enough information to...
7222 sym R (9430 sym/27 pcs) 5 img
United States COVID-19 Cases and Deaths by State
library(tidyverse) library(dotenv) library(RSocrata) library(scales) library(usmap) library(lubridate) Overivew Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports aggregate counts of COVID-19 death and case number daily. Data is based on most recent numbers reported by states, territories and other jurisdictions. This depends on timely and ...
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NY Times Article API
library(dotenv) library(jsonlite) library(tidyverse) library(lubridate) Overview Demonstration utilizing the NY Times Article API, and coercing the search results into a data frame. The key words will be climate+change and sustainability during the year 2021 in NYC. Load in data # load up hidden api key article_api <- Sys.getenv("ARTICLE_API") ...
2744 sym R (5776 sym/21 pcs) 4 img
Recommender System Discussion
Overview Our task was to analyze an existing recommender system that we find interesting. We should: Perform a Scenario Design analysis as described below. Consider whether it makes sense for our selected recommender system to perform scenario design twice, once for the organization (e.g. and once for the organization’s customers....
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