Publications by Gianna LaFrance

Employee Involvement


class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Employee Involvement ] .author[ ### Gianna LaFrance, Jaiden Neff, & Samantha Gouveia ] --- <h1 align = "center"> Table of Contents </h1> <center><font size="7"> - Introduction <br> - Exploratory Data Analysis <br> - Principal Componenet Analysis <br> - Multinomial Logistic Regr...

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Student Satisfaction Survey


Introduction Student satisfaction analysis can be very useful to academic institutions to help them understand the student learning experience and identify areas for improvement. Student satisfaction is a multifaceted concept, which builds on many different overlapping experiences, making it difficult to measure. The processed dataset was extra...

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class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Sampling Methods with Bank Loan Data ] .author[ ### Gianna LaFrance & Haley Koprivsek ] --- <h1 align = "center"> Table of Contents </h1> <center><font size="7"> - Introduction <br> - Exploratory Data Analysis <br> - Sampling Process and Default Rates<br> - Simple Random <br...

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1 Introduction In this note, I will introduce the steps for taking random samples from the study population. The Bank load data set is treated as a population. We will use this data set as a population to implement various sampling plans. The original data set was split into 9 subsets that are stored on GitHub. We first load these data sets to ...

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Multiple Linear Regression - Melbourne Housing Analysis


class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Analyzing Melbourne Housing Market Data Via Parametric & Bootstrap Multiple Linear Regression ] .subtitle[ ## ] .author[ ### Gianna LaFrance & Haley Koprivsek ] .date[ ### 2/19/2024 ] --- <h1 align = "center"> Table of Contents </h1> <center><font size="7"> - Introduction <...

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class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Rate of Cyclists Across Manhattan Bridge ] .subtitle[ ## ] .author[ ### Gianna LaFrance ] .institute[ ### West Chester University of Pennsylvania ] .date[ ### Prepared for Class Presentation ] --- class:inverse4, top <h1 align="center"> Table of Contents</h1> <BR...

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W13 ExpoSmoothing Beer Production


1 Description of the Data Set This is a data set of monthly beer production in Australia from January 1956 to December 1994. There are 468 observations with a monthly character variable and a numeric variable of the amount of beer produced. The plot below shows that there is both a seasonal and a positive trend. 2 Different Models Holt’s smo...

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1 Description of Data Set This dataset contains the Monthly price of Natural gas, starting from January 1997 to August 2020. Prices are in nominal dollars. 2 Time Series Object Since this is monthly data, frequency =12 will be used the define the time series object. 3 Forecasting with Decomposing The following visual representations show the di...

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Time Series: Crude Oil Prices


1 Description of the Data Set This is a data set of the company Brent’s crude oil spot prices taken monthly from 1990 to 2022. The varaibles are the month and the price of the oil per a barrel. Oil = read.csv("") [,-1] 2 Training and Testing Data Next, the data is split ...

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1 Description of the Data set The daily total of bike counts was conducted monthly on the Manhattan Bridge. To keep count of cyclists entering and leaving Manhattan via the East River Bridges. The Traffic Information Management System (TIMS) collects the count data. Each record represents the total number of cyclists per 24 hours at the Manhatt...

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