Publications by George Pipis

Meta Analysis in R


Introduction We can analyze different scientific studies that address the same question by applying a meta-analysis. The assumption is that every individual study contains some degree of error. For example, a study could be the mortality rate of two treatments for a specific disease. The goal is to obtain pooled summary estimates from individual ...

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10 Tips And Tricks For Data Scientists Vol.11


We have started a series of articles on tips and tricks for data scientists (mainly in Python and R). In case you have missed: Vol.1Vol.2Vol.3Vol.4Vol.5Vol.6Vol.7Vol.8Vol.9Vol.10 Python How to Add NLTK Tokenizers to Scikit Learn TfidfVectorizerRegular Expression for Exact MatchAnti-Joins with PandasHow to Delete an S3 Object with Boto3How to F...

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10 Tips and Tricks for Data Scientists Vol.12


We have started a series of articles on tips and tricks for data scientists (mainly in Python, R, SQL and Bash). In case you have missed: Vol.1Vol.2Vol.3Vol.4Vol.5Vol.6Vol.7Vol.8Vol.9Vol.10Vol.11 Python How to Save and Load Scikit Learn ModelsTrain and Test Dataset with PandasHow to Merge Different CountVectorizer in Scikit-LearnHow to load JSON...

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How to Get Twitter Data using R


In a previous post, we showed how to get Twitter data using Python. In this tutorial, we will show you how to get Twitter data using R and more particularly with the rtweet library. As we have explained in the previous post, you will need to create a developer account and get your consumer and access keys respectively. Install the rtweet Library...

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Retweet Network Analysis in Cryptocurrencies


In this tutorial, we will run a simple network analysis on retweets that contain the hashtag “#Crypto” by taking into consideration Twitter data. For this tutorial, we assume that you are familiar with SNA, and you know how to get Twitter data using R or Python. For this tutorial, we will work in R. Get the Tweets The first thing that we need...

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