Publications by Felipe Yamamoto Tenedine
Aprovação de cartão de crédito
1.Aplicações de cartão de crédito Os bancos comerciais recebem muitos pedidos de cartões de crédito. Muitos deles são rejeitados por vários motivos, como altos saldos de empréstimos, baixos níveis de renda ou muitas consultas no relatório de crédito de um indivíduo, por exemplo. Analisar manualmente essas aplicações é mundano, s...
8135 sym R (13863 sym/29 pcs) 5 img
O que torna um pokémon lendário?
1.Introdução No mundo Pokémon, um nome se destaca sobre qualquer outro - Professor Samuel Oak. Enquanto seu colega Professor Elm é especialista em evolução Pokémon, Oak dedicou sua carreira a entender a relação entre Pokémon e seus treinadores humanos. Ele próprio um ex-treinador, o professor tem experiência em primeira mão de como...
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What Makes a Pokemon Legendary
1.Introduction In the world of Pokémon academia, one name towers above any other – Professor Samuel Oak. While his colleague Professor Elm specializes in Pokémon evolution, Oak has dedicated his career to understanding the relationship between Pokémon and their human trainers. A former trainer himself, the professor has first-hand experien...
5827 sym R (12952 sym/25 pcs) 7 img
Clustering National Occupational Mean Wage
This is data from the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) program which produces employment and wage estimates annually. It contains the yearly average income from 2001 to 2016 for 22 occupation groups. We would like to use this data to identify clusters of occupations that maintained similar income trends. 1. Initial exploration of the d...
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Clustering Heart Disease Patients
1. Targeting treatment for heart disease patients There are many industries where understanding how things group together is beneficial. For example, retailers want to understand the similarities among their customers to direct advertisement campaigns, and botanists classify plants based on their shared similar characteristics. One way to grou...
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Predict Taxi Fares with Random Forests
1. 49999 New York taxi trips To drive a yellow New York taxi, you have to hold a “medallion” from the city’s Taxi and Limousine Commission. Recently, one of those changed hands for over one million dollars, which shows how lucrative the job can be. But this is the age of business intelligence and analytics! Even taxi drivers can stand to...
4139 sym R (4527 sym/18 pcs) 4 img
Halloween Candy Rankings
1. Importing packages and data Every year around Halloween it seems like everyone has candy on the brain! There’s a great dataset from FiveThirtyEight that includes all sorts of different information about different kinds of candy. For example, is a candy chocolaty? Does it have nougat? How does its cost compare to other candies? How many pe...
5249 sym R (7496 sym/24 pcs) 2 img
Where Would You Open a Chipotle?
1. Chipotle locations from Thinknum Some of us have thought about opening a business and most of us have thought about grabbing a burrito from Chipotle. To do either of these things we need to know where the current Chipotle stores are (and are not) located. In this notebook, the leaflet package in R and data from Thinknum are used to find p...
5740 sym R (4524 sym/17 pcs) 1 img
What Your Heart Rate Is Telling You
1. Heart disease and potential risk factors Millions of people develop some sort of heart disease every year and heart disease is the biggest killer of both men and women in the United States and around the world. Statistical analysis has identified many risk factors associated with heart disease such as age, blood pressure, total cholesterol...
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A Visual History of Nobel Prize Winners
1. The most Nobel of Prizes The Nobel Prize is perhaps the worlds most well known scientific award. Except for the honor, prestige and substantial prize money the recipient also gets a gold medal showing Alfred Nobel (1833 - 1896) who established the prize. Every year it’s given to scientists and scholars in the categories chemistry, litera...
4655 sym R (2555 sym/13 pcs) 4 img