Publications by Enrique Figueroa
Top ten natural events in USA
Synopsis We carry out an statistical analysis of natural disasters collected in “repdata_data_StormData.csv”, a dataset of events that occurred in USA since 1950 till now. Our main purpose is to identify the worst events not only on human health but also on local economy. We only use a few variables from the 37 columns that comprises the data...
1500 sym R (5494 sym/12 pcs) 2 img
Shinny Presentation
title: "Next word prediction"author: "Enrique Figueroa"date: "2021-12-19" Next Word Prediction Capstone Project by Enrique Figueroa December 19, 2021 Introduction The Shiny App predicts the next word of a user-entered English phrase. The basic functionality of next word prediction is currently seen in, for instance, word processors or even ...
2108 sym
title: "Next word prediction"author: "Enrique Figueroa"date: "2021-12-19" Next Word Prediction Capstone Project by Enrique Figueroa December 19, 2021 Introduction The Shiny App predicts the next word of a user-entered English phrase. The basic functionality of next word prediction is currently seen in, for instance, word processors or even ...
2263 sym
Exploratory Analysis of Text Datasets
Load libraries rm(list=ls()) library(httr) library(tm) library(SnowballC) library(ggplot2) library(wordcloud) library(stringi) require(stringr) Introduction There are 3 datasets: “en_US.twitter.txt”, “” and “en_US.blogs.txt”. First, we will sample each dataset and then execute some cleaning. Basic preprocessing c...
1203 sym R (10146 sym/46 pcs) 6 img
R markdown and plotly
This is an R Markdown document. The following code shows how to create a map with plotly and using geographical data in geojson format and demographic data in csv format. library(plotly) #install.packages("RJSONIO") library(RJSONIO) #url = '' departamento...
179 sym R (773 sym/2 pcs)
Shiny presentationEnrique Figueroa01/10/2021 Introduction We show the relationship between the normal and t distribution graphically. UI Part Here, a slider is created for setting different values of degrees of freedom Server Part Two density probability funcions are plotted: Normal distribution t distribution The t distribution is close ...
529 sym
R markdown and plotly
This is an R Markdown document. It shows the location of UNALM (Universidad Agraria La Molina) in Perú using R leaflet library. library (leaflet) my_map = leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>% addMarkers(lat=-12.0801, lng=-76.950, popup="UNALM") my_map ...
135 sym R (122 sym/1 pcs)
Shiny-leaflet Presentation
shiny_leaflet_appEnrique Figueroa Navarro02/10/2021 Introduction The application shows how we can use Shiny for geolocating some organizations. It is based on code from “Using Leaflet with Shiny” The app shows some Peruvian universities located in Lima, the capital of Per�. A csv file provides...
1987 sym