Publications by Bria Long, Anya Ma (edit)
Rocketship IRT models
Setup library(tidyverse) library(here) library(lubridate) library(ggthemes) library(langcog) library(mirt) library(knitr) pilot_data_filtered <- read_csv(file = here::here('data/preprocessed_data/all_preprocessed_data.csv')) Get item info for later item_info_clip <- pilot_data_filtered %>% filter(cohort == 'prolific') %>% distinct(item_pair, w...
1436 sym R (44550 sym/59 pcs) 18 img 2 tbl
First pass IRT models
Setup Load and merge data ###Load preporcessed data User metadata from firebase for school/demo/cdm Join together datasets, merge in metadata Filter to actual responses from test trials Add inextra fields useful for anlaysis Item-pair - word1/word2 Basic adult vs. kid classification for initial models Check # of subjecst and trials by age/co...
955 sym 9 img 2 tbl
Preprocessing Load data Import recognition data from each run of recoggames: here, animalgame & vehiclegame # animal_game <- read.csv("recognition_data/animalgame.csv") %>% as.tibble() %>% mutate(exp = 'animalgame') %>% select(-X) ## Warning: `as.tibble()` is deprecated, use `as_tibble()` (but mind the new semantics). ## This warning is d...
3261 sym R (23734 sym/77 pcs) 13 img 3 tbl
first pass emotion detector validation
Load & preprocess data Load preprocessed azure data ## already preprocessed to some extent form previous step azure <- read.csv(here('data/emotions_azure/preprocessed_data.csv'), fill = TRUE, header = TRUE) %>% rename(azure_label = label) Load and preprocess rekognition data rekognition <- read.csv(here('data/emotions_rekognition/face_TP_pres...
1148 sym R (9370 sym/26 pcs) 1 img