Publications by Benjamin Smith
RObservations #15: I reverse-engineered (well, some of it)
Introduction (The logo) A while back, the famous travel Youtubers Kara and Nate announced that they launched a new company called which prints custom souvenir maps as hangable artwork. After spending some time looking at how the maps looked I thought it would be interesting to see if it is possible to reverse engineer it – ...
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Robservations #16: Using the MapBox API with Leaflet
Introduction Using Mapbox is a wonderful way to create beautiful maps with leaflet. In my last blog, I spoke about reverse engineering and how to create maps that are similar to the maps produced there. After a bit of Googling I was lead to this post where I found the following info on using the MapBox API with leaflet in R; with a littl...
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RObservations #17: Plotting Flight Paths on Leaflet Maps
Introduction While I thought I would to put exploring making maps in leaflet to rest, I was tempted to touch making flight maps similar to the ones on and have successfully managed to do it by incorporating the geosphere package. In this blog I am going to share some more code on how to plot individual and multiple flight paths in R with...
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RObservations #18: Depth-first search for Binary Trees.
Introduction The more I use R, the more I am convinced that you can do anything with it. Recently, I checked out FreeCodeCamp’s video “Binary Tree Algothritms for Technical Interviews” and was told that I can write the code in any language I want. While Alvin used Javascript, I decided to follow along with R. In this blog I am going to shar...
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RObservations # 19: Breadth-first search for Binary Trees
Introduction In my last blog I shared how to do a depth-first search in R by using R6 classes. In this short blog I’m going to show how to do a breadth-first search. Breadth-first search: A brief explination. In contrast to a depth-first search which traverses a tree by going to the children farthest down on the tree before proceeding up, a br...
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RObservations #20: Solving “Tree Includes” Problems for Binary Trees ” data-medium-file=”″ data-large-file=”″ src=”” alt=”” class=”wp-image-1281″ />Ph...
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RObservations #21: Solving “Tree Sum” Problems with Recursion and Iterative Approaches
Introduction In my previous blogs, I introduced how to preform depth-first and breadth-first searches in R with R6 objects. After knowing how to do this I explored solving tree-includes problems with both of these searches. In this blog I am going to share how to solve binary “tree sum” problems using recursive and iterative approaches. As w...
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RObservations #22: Creating a Simple Blockchain with R6 Objects
Introduction With my recent breakthrough in figuring out how OOP works in R by using R6 classes, a whole new world of possibilities is open to explore with it. While R is defined by Wikipedia) as “[…] a programming language for statistical computing and graphics” R6 classes allow for applications of the R programming language extend which e...
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RObservations #23: Solving Linked List Problems in R with R6 objects
Introduction With the R6 library enabling users to create object classes, it is possible to solve a variety of computer science problems using R. Following the same fashion of my previous blogs on tree search algorithms (see here, here, here and here), in this blog I explore solving linked list problems using R. The codes written here are based o...
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#RObservations #24: Using Tesseract-OCR to Scan Bank Documents and Extract Relevant Data
Introduction I have clearly been out of the loop because I have only recently learned about the tesseract library in R. If I knew about it earlier I would have wrote about it much sooner! The tesseract library is a package which has bindings to the Tesseract-OCR engine: a powerful optical character recognition (OCR) engine that supports over 100 ...
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