Publications by Anna Engelke

Anna Engelke - ECI 588 Unit 3 Independent Analysis


Dr. Jiang and I discussed trying to create a makerspace dictionary/lexicon for my final project. I decided to use this week’s Independent Analysis project to start exploring dictionary creation and how it might tie into some of the other text analysis techniques we’ve been practicing. The first part of this analysis will explain what I’ve fo...

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Anna Engelke - ECI 589 - Unit 3 Independent Study


1. Identify a Data Source 1a. PREPARE Let’s start by installing the packages that we’re going to use to analyze our data, knowing that we want to conduct social network analysis and that we want to create sophisticated sociograms. We’ll need the following packages: {tidyverse} which offers multiple R packages {tidygraph} for working with re...

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ECI 588 Unit 4 Walkthrough


1. PREPARE Data Source ✅ Comprehension Check Based on your reading, what’s the data source in this paper? The authors reviewed literature on computational thinking in education and collected any definitions of CT that were published. These definitions were then collected into a single document, which they used for text analysis. 1b. Guiding Q...

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Unit 3 Case Study


Table of contents 1. PREPARE 1a. Review the Research The #commoncore Project Prologue Data Sources & Analyses Data Collection Analyses Key Findings 👉 Your Turn ⤵ 1b. Identify a Question(s) 👉 Your Turn ⤵ 1c. Set Up Project Load Libraries 👉 Your Turn ⤵ 2. WRANGLE 2a. Import Data 2b. Format Network Data Create Edgelist 👉 Yo...

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1. Identify a Data Source 1a. PREPARE Let’s start by installing the packages that we’re going to use to analyze our data, knowing that we want to conduct social network analysis and that we want to create sophisticated sociograms. We’ll need the following packages: {tidyverse} which offers multiple R packages {tidygraph} for working with re...

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ISAM Topic Modeling


Context The International Symposium of Academic Makerspaces (ISAM) is an annual conference started in 2016 that draws makerspace staff and faculty from across the world. Similar to other professional conferences, attendees can submit papers or posters for review. If they are accepted, they can present their work at the conference event. After the e...

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Anna Engelke - ECI 589 - Unit 2 Case Study


1. Prepare For our second case study, A Tale of Two MOOCs, we move beyond visual depictions of networks from our previous SNA case study and learn to describe networks using common network-level measures. Our analyses are based on A social network perspective on peer supported learning in MOOCs for educators [@kellogg2014social], and use an open ed...

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Unit 3 Walkthrough: Topic Modeling


1. PREPARE 1c. Set Up library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.2 ── ## ✔ ggplot2 3.4.1 ✔ purrr 1.0.1 ## ✔ tibble 3.1.8 ✔ dplyr 1.1.0 ## ✔ tidyr 1.3.0 ✔ stringr 1.5.0 ## ✔ re...

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Anna Engelke - ECI 589 - Unit 1 Independent Study (Abridged)


Identify a Data Source For this independent analysis, I’ll be using the two datasets from the Social Network Analysis and Education companion site that were already included in the ‘data’ folder for this project. We also used them during the Unit 1 Case Study. Let’s start by reading each of the documents into R: student-reported-friends,...

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Unit 2 Walkthrough: Twitter Sentiment and School Reform


1c. Set Up library(dplyr) library(readr) library(tidyr) library(rtweet) library(writexl) library(readxl) library(tidytext) library(textdata) library(ggplot2) library(textdata) library(scales) 2b. Tidy Text ngss_tweets <- read_xlsx("Data/ngss_tweets.xlsx") ccss_tweets <- read_xlsx("Data/csss_tweets.xlsx") ngss_text <- filter(ngss_tweets, lang == ...

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