Publications by Alexander Shemetev
15 8 2020 Title Page This is an R presentation. This presentation tells about the project Main Idea Of The Project The old books, mostly English and mostly of the reneissance times. The source of books is here: Each book is reprocessed so that it could be analyzed in R (like special symbols or language l...
1639 sym
Part I. The Main Analysis #Initialize ################################## Install all the potentially needed packages: install_and_load = function(name, char = T) { if (!require(name, character.only = char)) { install.packages(name) } require(name, character.only = char) } #install_github("dgrtwo/broom") # library(broom) ...
2843 sym R (22428 sym/162 pcs) 5 img
About the project The mission of the project is to clean a raw database and present the data on on what people read or write in the online news, social media and blogs within one sample year in order to pass a JHU course project. Internet is an important source of data nowadays - and effective statistical and IT ways to proceed its big data are o...
5507 sym R (88219 sym/155 pcs) 20 img
alexandershemetev Alexander Shemetev 2020-09-28 While the main purpose of the alexandershemetev package is to clarify working with R for people with very basic skills for the purposes of qualitative statistical analysis, this package also has additional useful functions and will be developed over time by adding new functions. To see what alexander...
1631 sym R (6010 sym/4 pcs) 1 img
Бюджетный Федерализм Часть 4 - РФ: Особые Темы
15 9 2020 Введение Особые Вопросы Доходов Бюджета Интерактивный График №1 ЕСХН (Единый Сельскохозяйственный Налог) По Регионам В 2019, Рублей В Год* График №2: ЕСХН По Регионам В 2019, Млн. Руб. Russ...
4296 sym 11 img
Бюджетный Федерализм Часть 3 - РФ В 2019-2020
12 9 2020 Опыт Российской Федерации В данной части мы рассмотрим основные доходные показатели бюджетов РФ, а также то, как они взаимосвязаны с реальной экономикой. Особый акцент сделан на субъе...
16675 sym 21 img
Бюджетный Федерализм Часть 2
10 9 2020 Опыт Бюджетного Федерализма В РФ Самые свежие данные о бюджете РФ можно найти по ссылке, кликнув здесь . Под Новый Год 1991-1992г. На Карте Мира Появилась Новая Страна: Российская Федерация...
8359 sym 15 img
Word Prediction Algoritmus
22 9 2020 The Main Description The mission of the project is to clean a raw database and present the data on on what people read or write in the online news, social media and blogs within one sample year in order to pass a JHU course project. Internet is an important source of data nowadays - and effective statistical and IT ways to proceed its ...
1987 sym 6 img
Цифровой Контроль: Введение
class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Digital Control (Цифровой Контроль) ## Основы ### Alexander Shemetev (Александр Шеметев) ### СЗИУ РАНХиГС ### 2020/11/19 (updated: 2020-11-19) --- background-image: url(data:image/png;base64,#
8201 sym
Pernicious Arrogance by F.A. Hayek: Book Review
11 1 2021 The Book’s Main Thoughts Made By Alexander Shemetev Introduction. Was socialism a mistake? Úvod. Byl socialismus omylem (chybou)? Economists and biologists have established a striking fact, the essence of which is that an order that arises regardless of anyone’s design can far exceed the plans consciously developed by people.�...
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