Publications by Ahmed Elsaeyed
Pulling in the data from my github library(RCurl) my_git_url <- getURL("") # hinsurance_csv <- read.csv("/Users/aelsaeyed/BridgeR/datasets/hw2/HealthInsurance.csv", quote = "" ) hinsurance_csv <- read.csv(text = my_git_url, quote = "") Question 1 Use the sum...
1165 sym R (5981 sym/29 pcs)
Homework 1
Question 1 Write a loop that calculates 13-factorial. Bonus - try to do it two different ways (for example use a for loop and a while loop). Do not use the standard factorial function. The goal is to learn about how R uses loops. count = 1 for(i in 13:1) count<- count * i print(count) ## [1] 6227020800 count=1 x<-1 while(x<=13) { count = coun...
598 sym R (678 sym/8 pcs)
Pulling in the data from my github library(RCurl) my_git_url <- getURL("") trump_vote_predictions <- read.csv(text = my_git_url, quote = "") my_git_url2 <- getURL("") vote_averages <- read.csv(text = m...
1332 sym R (6776 sym/16 pcs)
Setting Up Libraries I will mainly be using tidyr and dplyr here to do the analysis. Analysis Questions Thanks to Moiya Josephs for the analysis questions: 1- Find the state with the highest and lowest deaths. 2- Compare the death rate both before and after the vaccine was released. Pull in the Data from Github To answer the questions above I wil...
1637 sym R (1969 sym/9 pcs) 1 img
Setting Up Libraries I will mainly be using tidyr and dplyr here to do the analysis. Analysis Questions Thanks to Vyanna Hill for the analysis prompt: Find out if there is a trend of type of facilities and their risk level given by the inspector. Pull in the Data from Github To answer the questions above I will be doing a lot of sorting and group...
1617 sym R (1139 sym/6 pcs)
Setting Up Libraries I will mainly be using tidyr and dplyr here to do the analysis. Analysis Questions Thanks to Deepa Sharma for the analysis questions: 1- What is the highest-rated TV show of each year? 2- What is the highest rated TV show from each category in the data set? Pull in the Data from Github For the first question, I will have to ...
3001 sym R (2042 sym/12 pcs)
Making CSV and Reading In I made the CSV in excel simply by copying values, and then uploaded to my github. library(RCurl) my_git_url <- getURL("") vax_stats <- read.csv(text = my_git_url, quote = "") Peeking at the Table I decided to keep the table wide and work on i...
1652 sym R (321 sym/3 pcs)
Setting Up Libraries I will mainly be using tidyr and dplyr here to do the analysis. Goal Pull in book information for three books, each in a different format - XML, JSON, and HTML. I will put the data on my github and read them in using getURL. The XML my_git_url <- getURL("
703 sym R (489 sym/3 pcs)
After logging in and reading the spec sheet on the NYT Developer site, I created an account and got my dev keys. The spec shows an example call: Below I will try it just to make sure it works with httr. call <- GET("
995 sym R (3545 sym/7 pcs)
Project Proposal I was very interested in the discussion on fraud detection we had last week, and I would like to explore how machine learning is used to tackle this problem. I plan on collecting data from publicly available credit card datasets that contain both fraudulent and authentic transactions, and then creating a few different models that...
8151 sym R (9862 sym/44 pcs) 8 img