Publications by adityakhanna
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We confirm below various attributes of the agents that are logged. We will do this in data.table for speed. rm(list=ls()) library(data.table) library(ggplot2) library(yaml) Read input parameters:¬ input_params <- read_yaml("~/code/cadre/python/myparams/model_params.yaml") Read the agent data into data-table: agent_dt <- fread("~/code/cadre/python/...
3946 sym R (23607 sym/118 pcs) 7 img
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We confirm below various attributes of the agents that are logged. We will do this in data.table for speed. rm(list=ls()) library(data.table) library(ggplot2) library(yaml) Read input parameters:¬ input_params <- read_yaml("~/code/cadre/python/myparams/model_params.yaml") Read the agent data into data-table: agent_dt <- fread("~/code/cadre/python/...
3950 sym R (23557 sym/119 pcs) 7 img
rm(list=ls()) # Load libraries --------------------------- library(haven) library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union library(geeM) ## Loading required packag...
174 sym R (121336 sym/171 pcs)
We confirm below various attributes of the agents that are logged. We will do this in data.table for speed. rm(list=ls()) renv::load() library(data.table) library(ggplot2) library(yaml) Read input parameters:¬ input_params <- read_yaml("~/code/cadre/python/myparams/model_params.yaml") Read the agent data into data-table: agent_dt <- fread("~/code/...
3688 sym R (22349 sym/117 pcs) 7 img
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We confirm below various attributes of the agents that are logged. We will do this in data.table for speed. rm(list=ls()) library(data.table) library(ggplot2) library(yaml) Read input parameters:¬ input_params <- read_yaml("~/code/cadre/python/myparams/model_params.yaml") Read the agent data into data-table: agent_dt <- fread("~/Desktop/agent_log_...
3949 sym R (23517 sym/118 pcs) 7 img
We confirm below various attributes of the agents that are logged. We will do this in data.table for speed. rm(list=ls()) library(data.table) library(ggplot2) library(yaml) Read input parameters:¬ input_params <- read_yaml("~/code/cadre/python/myparams/model_params.yaml") Read the agent data into data-table: agent_dt <- fread("~/Desktop/agent_log_...
3693 sym R (22129 sym/118 pcs) 7 img
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We confirm below various attributes of the agents that are logged. We will do this in data.table for speed. rm(list=ls()) library(data.table) library(ggplot2) library(yaml) Read input parameters: input_params <- read_yaml("~/code/cadre/python/myparams/model_params.yaml") Read the agent data into data-table: agent_dt <- fread("~/code/cadre/python/ou...
3415 sym R (19573 sym/99 pcs) 8 img
rm(list=ls()) # Load libraries --------------------------- library(haven) library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union library(geeM) ## Loading required packag...
172 sym R (117833 sym/169 pcs)
We confirm below various attributes of the agents that are logged. We will do this in data.table for speed. rm(list=ls()) library(data.table) Read the agent data into data-table: agent_dt <- fread("/gpfs/data/akhann16/akhann16/cadre_simulated_data/2022-12-09/agent_log.csv") last_tick <- max(agent_dt$tick) Demographics agent_dt[tick == last_tick,...
1813 sym R (5568 sym/49 pcs)
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We confirm below various attributes of the agents that are logged. We will do this in data.table for speed. rm(list=ls()) library(data.table) Read the agent data into data-table: agent_dt <- fread("/gpfs/data/akhann16/akhann16/cadre_simulated_data/2023-01-15/agent_log_8.csv") last_tick <- max(agent_dt$tick) Demographics agent_dt[tick == last_tic...
1813 sym R (5570 sym/49 pcs)