Publications by R on Rob J Hyndman

Who’s downloading the forecast package?


The github page for the forecast package currently shows the following information Note the downloads figure: 264K/month. I know the package is popular, but that seems crazy. Also, the downloads figure on github only counts the downloads from the RStudio mirror, and ignores downloads from the other 125 mirrors around the world. Here are the top ...

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RStudio just keeps getting better


RStudio has been a life-changer for the way I work, and for how I teach data analysis. I still have a couple of minor frustrations with it, but they are slowly disappearing as RStudio adds features. I use dual monitors and I like to code on one monitor and have the console and plots on the other monitor. Otherwise I see too little context, and lo...

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Making data analysis easier


Di Cook and I are organizing a workshop on “Making data analysis easier” for 18-19 February 2016. We are calling it WOMBAT2016, which an acronym for Workshop Organized by the Monash Business Analytics Team. Appropriately, it will be held at the Melbourne Zoo. Our plan is to make these workshops an annual event. Some details are available on t...

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Starting a career in data science


I received this email from one of my undergraduate students: I’m writing to you asking for advice on how to start a career in Data Science. Other professions seem a bit more straight forward, in that accountants for example simply look for Internships and ways into companies from there. From my understanding, the nature of careers in data scie...

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Making data analysis easier: Hadley Wickham at WOMBAT2016


Slides for Hadley’s talk The slides for all the other talks from the workshop are also now online at Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: R on Rob J Hyndman. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Cli...

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Model variance for ARIMA models


From today’s email: I wanted to ask you about your R forecast package, in particular the Arima() function. We are using this function to fit an ARIMAX model and produce model estimates and standard errors, which in turn can be used to get p-values and later model forecasts. To double check our work, we are also fitting the same mod...

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Monash Business Analytics Team Profile


Our research group been growing lately, as you can see below! We were featured in the latest issue of the Monash newsletter The Insider. Check it out. Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: R on Rob J Hyndman. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutor...

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rOpenSci unconference in Brisbane, 21-22 April 2016


The first rOpenSci unconference in Australia will be held on Thursday and Friday (April 21-22) in Brisbane, at the Microsoft Innovation Centre. This event will bring together researchers, developers, data scientists and open data enthusiasts from industry, government and university. The aim is to conceptualise and develop R-based to...

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Plotting overlapping prediction intervals


I often see figures with two sets of prediction intervals plotted on the same graph using different line types to distinguish them. The results are almost always unreadable. A better way to do this is to use semi-transparent shaded regions. Here is an example showing two sets of forecasts for the Nile River flow. library(forecast) f1 ...

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Sample quantiles 20 years later


Almost exactly 20 years ago I wrote a paper with Yanan Fan on how sample quantiles are computed in statistical software. It was cited 43 times in the first 10 years, and 457 times in the next 10 years, making it my third paper to receive 500+ citations. So what happened in 2006 to suddenly increase the citations? I think it was a comb...

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