Publications by R | datawookie
Running History: Garmin Connect
I had a suspicion that there was more data beyond the history that I got from Strava (see previous post). And indeed my hunch was confirmed by downloading my history from Garmin Connect. My history now goes back to 2013. Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: R | datawookie.
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Retail Pricing: Latex Gloves
A couple of days ago I posted an analysis of the price of nitrile gloves at Dischem. @mattdenni the price of nitrile gloves has increased dramatically over the last year.More details at this might be of interest to you too.— Andrew B. Collier (@datawookie) January 4, 2021 Havin...
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Retail Pricing: Latex Gloves at Clicks
A couple of days ago I posted an analysis of the price of nitrile gloves at Dischem. @mattdenni the price of nitrile gloves has increased dramatically over the last year.More details at this might be of interest to you too.— Andrew B. Collier (@datawookie) January 4, 2021 Havin...
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Price of Fuel in South Africa
The {saffer} package is a nascent collection of things relating to South Africa. I’ve just added fuel price data. The {saffer} package can be installed from GitHub. remotes::install_github("datawookie/saffer") Then load it up and you’re ready to explore. library(saffer) Background The price of fuel in South Africa is influenced by a number o...
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Topographic Maps for South Africa
I’ve been adding topological maps of South Africa to the saffer-data-map repository. The maps are originally in MrSID format (.sid files), which is a proprietary file format developed by LizardTech (a company which has been consumed by Extensis). Although MrSID is efficient from a storage perspective, it’s challenging to work with. Especially...
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Cyril’s Speeches
The transcripts for the South African President’s speeches are available here. I’ve just added these data to the {saffer} package. library(saffer) Let’s take a look. glimpse(president_speeches) Rows: 621 Columns: 6 $ date <date> 2016-01-07, 2016-01-21, 2016-01-23, 2016-02-06, 2016-02-09,… $ position <chr> "Deputy President", "Preside...
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This is not Rain: It’s a Trickle
I started using rain (a South African ISP) back in March 2019. The coverage was good (the only place I couldn’t get a signal was at Lanseria Airport), while the bandwidth was consistently high. I loved the fact that it was affordable, reliable and portable. So much has changed. Rain on Twitter Speeds up to 10Mbps rain The rain website claim...
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Levies, Tax and the Fuel Price in South Africa
According to the Automobile Association (AA) the fuel price is the sum of four main components: the basic fuel price the general fuel levy the Road Accident Fund (RAF) levy and wholesale and retail margins, distribution and transport costs. This article suggests that almost 70% of the fuel price in South Africa is due to taxes and levies. How m...
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Setting up postref Shortcode for Remote Blog
I ran into a bit of a snag when updating a {blogdown} site. Suddenly, inexplicably, the images were no longer present. When I investigated I found that some HTML <img> tags looked like this: <img src="{{< blogdown/postref >}}index_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-3-1.png"> Obviously there’s something wrong there! And that {{< blogdown/postref >}...
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{emayili}: Sending Birthday Messages
Suppose that you want to use {emayili} to send birthday messages (this post motivated by issue #61). Specifically, you want to send one message to the person having a birthday and send multiple messages to other people, reminding them of the birthday. Load a couple of packages. library(emayili) library(dplyr) Set up some variables to hold the v...
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