Publications by Marcin Kosiński

When You Went too Far with Survival Plots During the survminer 1st Anniversary


We are celebrating the 1st anniversary of the survminer’s release on CRAN! Due to that fact I have prepared the most (uber platinum) customized survival plot that I could imagine. I went too far because it took over 30 parameters to create a graph.. survminer, a package for drawing easily beautiful and ‘ready-to-publish’ survival curves w...

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How successful can an R meetup be? meet(R) in Tricity! – RSelenium and Big Data processing


At Thursday (12.01.2017) we had a chance to attend the first TriCity R Users Group (Pomerania, Poland) meeting. The meetup was unexpectedly very successful! The success can be measured in the time attendees spent on ardently comments and questions after each of 2 great presentations. After every 20-25 min long presentation we could observe 30 mi...

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Comparing (Fancy) Survival Curves with Weighted Log-rank Tests


We have just adopted weighted Log-rank tests to the survminer package, thanks to survMisc::comp. What are they and why they are useful? Read this blog post to find out. I used ggthemr to make the presentation a little bit more bizarre. Log-rank statistic for 2 groups Weighted Log-rank extensions Why are they useful? Plots gghtemr Log-rank (s...

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Use switch() instead of ifelse() to return a NULL


Have you ever tried to return a NULL with the ifelse() function? This function is a simple vectorized workflow for conditional statements. However, one can’t just return a NULL value as a result of this evaluation. Check a tricky workaround solution in this post. Imagine a simple R logical statement like statement <- length(character()) > 0 s...

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3rd Birthday of Warsaw R Enthusiasts Group


This Thursday Warsaw R Enthusiasts Group (in polish Spotkania Entuzjastów R – SER – cheese) celebrated it’s 3rd birthday! Check this post to find out what we have prepared for this special occasion. Summary of three years of the group activity Toast Round tables session WRUG baseball jackets, a new logo and occasional stickers Ac...

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FSelectorRcpp on CRAN


FSelectorRcpp – Rcpp (free of Java/Weka) implementation of FSelector entropy-based feature selection algorithms with a sparse matrix support, has finally arrived on CRAN after a year of development. It is also equipped with a parallel backend. Big thanks to the main architect: Zygmunt Zawadzki, zstat, and our reviewer: Krzysztof Słomczyński...

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Why R?


The first edition of Polish R Users Conferences called Why R? took place on 27-29 September at Warsaw University of Technology – Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science. The Polish R community is very strong. Dig in into the post to find out what topics did we cover and how the event was held. Pay attention to gifts we’ve prepared for...

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Flip axes in plotly histograms – few approaches


This seems easy as it requires just to change x parameter to y in the plot specification. Well, there are some edge cases where R users might get a in trouble! library(plotly) packageVersion('plotly') [1] '4.7.1' Before you go, let me just explain myself. I have just started learning R interface to plotly library and I am really amazed by the ...

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Why R? 2018 Conference – Registration and Call for Papers Opened


The first edition of Polish R Users Conferences called Why R? took place on 27-29 September at Warsaw University of Technology – Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science. The event was so successful that we’ve decided to launch a second edition of the conference. About the Why R? 2018 conference Important dates Keynotes Programme Pre-...

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Why R? 2018 Conf – CfP ends May 25th


We are pleased to announance upcoming Why R? 2018 conference that is going to happen in central-eastern Europe (Poland, Wroclaw) this July (2-5th). It is the last week for the call for papers! Submit your talk here. About More about the conference one can find on the conference website and in the previous blog post we’ve prepared ...

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